18 Oct 2017

Newsletter- 18/10/17

Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.



Dear Parents,

Happy Diwali week!


The essence of KJS and the IB programme is the development of internationally minded children.

We are so fortunate to have many cultures represented in our school. What makes it a ‘success’ are the celebrations of these wonderful cultures. It was my pleasure to be involved in the staff Diwali lunch on Tuesday and although I could not be at school on Wednesday I know there will be joyous celebrations occurring. It is a special time to reflect on the many cultural and ethnic groups represented in our school, to embrace diversity, celebrate difference and learn about the rich heritages which contribute to our international world here in KJS and in Hong Kong. At a time when nations are closing borders, becoming more isolated and nationalistic I encourage you to support your child to have respect for self and others and especially those from different cultures.

This week I would ask that you have conversations at home about mutual respect, what does it mean, what can we expect from others and them from us?  What might it look like, sound like and feel like to be respectful to people from other cultures?

Here are some quotes that could be useful to start a family conversation and here are 10 ways to promote international mindedness with your children.


Enjoy the wonderful week ahead. I know the team at KJS are really looking forward to the Central Professional Development (CPD) day on Friday as we work with all the staff from ESF schools to learn more to support your child’s wellbeing and learning. Rest assured we will be working hard on Friday and I will share with you some of the things we learn in next week’s newsletter.


Kind Regards and Happy Diwali

Neill O’Reilly



CPD Day – No School

Please be reminded that Friday 20 October is teacher training day. There will be no school for children.



Parent Consultations 2nd and 9th November

Our next set of teacher consultations will be held after school on the 2nd and 9th November.  In these meetings we will share both successes and targeted next steps in learning across the curriculum. Children in Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 are invited to attend with their parents if they are able to do so.

Registration will be opened from Friday 20th October from 9am (Gateway: Communication > Parent Consultation). Parents with children in Y1 and Y4 will also have the opportunity to organize a meeting with their child’s Mandarin teacher during these times. There will also be a limited number of appointments to meet with the PE and Music teachers on these days.


Parent Workshop (Maths)

Mathematics is beautiful and creative:  An introduction to the neuro-science of learning and the wonder of inquiry Maths – Friday 27 October at  4pm, KJS Library​.  Registration will be opened tomorrow 19 October at 9am (Gateway: Activities).

Mathematics is beautiful, open, creative, and multi-dimensional.  Some school and tutor maths classes can be uninspiring, procedural and one-dimensional – it is all about memorizing methods and procedures. This is one of the reasons so many students, especially girls, disengage from mathematics. Come and explore the latest neuro-science about learning and how inquiry Maths creates mathematicians rather than merely arithmeticians.



Marathon Student’s Race Kit

Please note that the ESF 50th Anniversary Marathon Student’s Race Kit has been sent to the classes and distributed to participating students today.



UNICEF Day (Dress Casual) on 31 October

Year 5 learned about children’s rights around the world and how important it is that we are helping to support them. UNICEF is a charity that protects and defends children’s rights including gender equality, the homeless, sick children and children living in poverty. A few groups of year 5 students are taking action by collecting money for UNICEF.


UNICEF DAY: 31 October 2017

$20 to dress casual (spooky)


There are also 4 comic books written by some children in Year 5. The comics will cost $5 each. We will come around to your classes to take orders next week so we know how many to print.

By Daniel, TinTin, and Jaden (5D)



Dress Casual Day Donation on 12 October

Thank you for your support in last Thursday’s Dress Casual Day.  We have received a total of HK$18,715 for the Community Chest of Hong Kong. If you wish to know more about this charitable organisation, please visit its website https://www.commchest.org/en/.



Student Success

Ching Yeung (4L)  joined the Asian Junior Figure Skating Challenge held in HK. It is an international figure skating competition with participants from HK, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia among others. CY worked hard for it and practised everyday during term break. She ranked 7th in her subgroup. Though she didn’t win any medal in the competition, she improved a lot and gained precious experience in the event.


Geet (6L) joined the 13th Star of Tomorrow Competition and 13th Let’s Dance in HK organised by the Hong Kong International Exchange of Artist and Culture Association. Her group of singers and dancers  were champions. Congratulations Geet!


Chesney (4L) would like to share with the KJS community that she has completed a “Brownie Leadership Camp” at Sandilands Girl Guide Campsite. She went by herself for 2 nights and learnt a lot of skills – communication, physical coordination, and operational challenge. This was her first time being away, and she cooked breakfast for 30 girls!



Brandon (3A) participated in the “14th China Artist Association HKSAR Secretariat Competition” and won 3rd place in Putonghua Poem Recital. Congratulations Brandon!


ESF and Other Notices


French Mother Tongue Programmes

Please click here for a letter from ESF regarding the French Mother Tongue Programmes.


ESF Beach Clean Up Day

ESF would like to gather around 40 volunteers for its Beach Clean Up Day on 20 October 2017. Please click here to register if you are interested.


ESF 50th Anniversary Community Carnival

Please click here for more information of the ESF 50th Anniversary Community Carnival.


ESF 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner

Please click here for more information of the ESF 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner.


Dates for Your Diary

Friday 20 October                                     Teacher training (no school for students)

Sunday 22 October                                   ESF 50th Anniversary Marathon & Community Carnival

24 – 27 October                                       School photographer in

Friday 27 October 4pm                            Parent Workshop: Mathematics is beautiful and creative:  An introduction to

                                                                         the neuro-science of learning and the wonder of inquiry Maths

Friday 27 October                                   Quiz Night for all the family

Tuesday 31 October                                UNICEF Day (Casual Dress)

Tuesday 31 October 3pm                        Y5 Camp Meeting

Tuesday 31 October 3:45pm                   Y6 Camp Meeting

Thursday 2 November 3-6:30pm             Parent Teacher Meetings (including Y1 & Y4 Chinese classes)

Monday 6 November                               Teacher training (no school for students)

Thursday 9 November 3-6:30pm            Parent Teacher Meetings (including Y1 & Y4 Chinese classes)

14 & 15 November                                  Madagascar, KJS Musical

20 – 22 November                                  Y4 Camp

Thursday 23 November                          Kowloon Netball Tournament

Thursday 30 November                          Y6 Immunization

28 November – 1 December                  Y5 Camp

4 – 8 December                                      Y6 Camp

Wednesday 13 December                     Y3 & Y4 Sports Day

Thursday 14 December                         Y5 & Y6 Sports Day

Friday 15 December                             Term ends at midday




Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation and its affiliates shall take no responsibility for any activities, events and services that are organised by other organisations or individuals and are mentioned in our newsletters..