Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr6 Weekly Update - 19/8/16

A great first week back after the summer holidays! The children have been sharing their holiday stories with their classmates and are excited to be back at school with their friends.

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Year 6 – ‘top of the school'! A very important year ahead. This year there will be plenty of leadership opportunities. We will be choosing House Captains and Vice Captains at the end of this week. All students who are interested have been asked to prepare a presentation (no longer than 2 minutes!) to encourage their peers to vote for them. Results will be announced next week!! Well done to all those students who were courageous in putting themselves forward.

We have spent lots of time this week getting to know the students and making decisions about the layout of classrooms – for example - can we move safely around the classroom, where is a good place for individual work/group work? We have asked questions like ‘How do we learn best?', ‘What disturbs our learning?' ‘Why do we need to learn about each other?' to help set up an inclusive environment.

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Literacy this week has involved lots of speaking and listening. Sharing experiences from the holidays, individual learning preferences and explaining solutions to daily problems. We've given reminders of our effective communications skills eg. good listeners make eye contact with the speakers - lots of selective listening appears to have happened in the holidays! We hope you will encourage good listening at home too.

In Maths this week we have looked at numbers that are connected with our lives – eg how many pairs of shoes we have, how many days we have been alive and how many days until Christmas! The students then had to choose a method of how to make those numbers - this has led to some very interesting conversations! We have looked at maths connected to the Olympics – we hope you have enjoyed following the events in Rio. In the next few weeks we will be extending our knowledge of Place Value.



Dates to remember:

Year Ahead Meeting – Thursday 25th August

Welcome Meetings – Monday 29th August