Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr6 Weekly Update - 05/26/17


How We Express Ourselves

The Exhibition - Week 8


Central Idea:

Expressing values and passions moves people to take action.


We are inquiring into

  • The reasons for our global goals (causation)

  • Local connections to the global goals (connection)

  • My responsibility to move others to take action (responsibility)

It is week 8 of the Exhibition, the excitement is building, our showcase night is right around the corner! This week the students did a run through of what the show will look like and how it will run on the night. Some students have been working diligently each day at snack time to learn the dance for the showcase. Students are busy preparing what they will say on the evening and finishing up their different forms of expression. Students are now on their way to planning how they are going to show the 5 essential elements of the exhibition.

On Thursday we had “ACTION DAY” here at KJS. Students dressed casual for the day, donated $20.00 and brought in many different items to help several different charities. It was great to see so many students taking action on the day with games, bake sales and donations. It was also great to see the rest of the KJS school community coming out to support the Y6's! We hope this leads to a life long responsibility to take action to help others.




The Showcase night will take place from 6:00 - 8:00pm. The Y6 students will need to be back at school in the Y6 shared area at 5:30pm. If you live far away from school please arrange for your child to have a playdate after school with a friend who lives closer so they are at school in time to get ready for the showcase. There won't be any supervision at KJS.

Part of the showcase night will be the students singing a song - here is a link to the lyrics for the students must practice at home.  CAN'T STOP THE FEELING 1

Parents, here is a link to the Website 2for the Y6 PYPX  - parts are still under construction but feel free to take a look for a brief preview of what's been happening in Y6.


Please make sure you have downloaded a QR code reader to your phones to get information on the night. We are going to be paperless so you will need this to know where to go and what to see! Here is the QR code you will need on the night!



Students are continuing to investigate angles in different shapes. Degrees or radians can be used as a measure of an angle. Being able to use degrees enables students to locate our position on Earth (longitudinal or latitude) and navigate using bearings. It also allows us to distinguish between triangles (by comparing their angles) and describe other polygons more accurately. A protractor is used to measure angles. It can be confusing for students to use as a single degree is too small to use as a single unit or to visualize and not every degree is marked on a protractor.




Tuesday, June 6th - Visit by Local Author Matt Cooper

June 7th and June 8th - Book Sale

June 9th -  Book Character Dress-Up Day and Parade




30 May: Public Holiday - School closed

1 June: PYP Exhibition Showcase

2 June: Y6 transition day at KGV

5 June: Book week

6 June:  Y6 Immunisations

28 June: Y6 Leavers' Celebration

30 June: Last Day of School - Ends at Noon