Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr6 Weekly Update - 05/19/17


How We Express Ourselves

The Exhibition - Week 7



Central Idea:

Expressing values and passions moves people to take action.


We are inquiring into

  • The reasons for our global goals (causation)

  • Local connections to the global goals (connection)

  • My responsibility to move others to take action (responsibility)

We have now finished the 7th week of our Exhibition! Where has the time gone? Students should have completed their newspaper articles. Some students may also still be in the process of interviewing people to wrap up their newspaper article. This week the students have focused on how they are expressing themselves eg. through a Ted Talk, GoAnimate animation, using Book Creator, iMovie, or some sort of visual art or Drama. Students should have taken action or have a plan to take action in the last few weeks.

5 Essential Elements

Next week students will be thinking about the 5 Essential Elements of the PYP. In the PYP we strive to have a balance between acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understanding, demonstration of positive attitudes, and taking of responsible action. Here are the 5 Essential Elements that the students should be displaying in their Exhibition.

  1. KNOWLEDGE - Significant, relevant subject matter that the students have explored and know about.

  2. CONCEPTS - Powerful ideas that have relevance within and across the disciplines and which students have explored in order to develop understanding.

  3. SKILLS - All of the skills students need to be able to to do to succeed in a challenging world.

  4. ATTITUDES - Dispositions which are expressions of fundamental values, beliefs, and feeling about learning, the environment, and people.

  5. ACTION - Demonstrations of deeper learning in responsible behavior through positive action and service; a manifestation in practice on the other essential elements.



Parents, please make sure you have downloaded a QR code reader to your phones to get information on the night. We are going to be paperless so you will need this to know where to go and what to see!

The Showcase night will take place from 6:00 - 8:00pm. The Y6 students will need to be back at school in the Y6 shared area at 5:30pm. If you live far away from school please arrange for your child to have a playdate after school with a friend who lives closer so they are at school in time to get ready for the showcase. There won't be any supervision at KJS.

Part of the showcase night will be the students singing a song - here is a link to the lyrics for the students to practice at home.  CAN'T STOP THE FEELING 1



KJS School Action Day

As you know the Y6's are looking for meaningful ways to take action and support their issues. We will be holding a school wide action day here at KJS on Thursday May 25th. The Y6's have held an assembly for the whole school to explain the Global Goals, the PYPX and pitch their cause. Next Thursday, students will be required to “dress down” for the day and bring in $20 in support of the various charities the students are supporting. There will also be a bake sale, games and other action ideas on the day. If the students are liaising with an NGO and are asking for donations eg unwanted adult clothing, cup noodles they need to have organized how those donations will get to the NGO. Any parental support with this will be greatly appreciated.




Students are continuing to calculate and develop rules to find unknown angles within shapes, around a point and on a straight line. Students have also been working on interpreting and drawing conclusions from statistical data using range, mode, median and mean and scale on graphs. Over the next few weeks students will be working towards estimating, comparing and measuring objects using standard units of measurement such as length, perimeter, mass, capacity, area, volume and temperature.





25 May: Action Day!

30 May: Public Holiday - School closed

1 June: PYP Exhibition Showcase

2 June: Y6 final induction at KGV

5 June: Book week

6 June:  Y6 Immunisations

28 June: Y6 Leavers' Celebration

30 June: Last Day of School - Ends at Noon

15 August: First Day of School