Kowloon Junior School - ESF
Export date: Fri Sep 6 4:23:12 2024 / +0000 GMT

Yr6 Weekly Update - 02/9/16

A different kind of week for our Y6 students this week. For starters it was only four days for them! Thank you to all parents who came to the Welcome Meetings on Monday. It was lovely meeting you all and talking about your children. The information we gathered will be invaluable to us. The Y6 students have been taking part in the INCAS online assessments this week. They involved general and mental maths, reading, spelling and attitudes to learning. The assessments are carried out by Years 4-6 across all ESF schools and the data received will further inform teachers of individual levels. This week we also started our first unit of inquiry with the central idea ‘The structure and function of governing systems impacts society'. The students took part in an exciting provocation whereby they experienced different government systems eg dictatorship, monarchy, communism, Chief Executive (as in Hong Kong) and democracy. Exciting decisions were made – ‘who gets a sticker/eraser'? in the style of that particular governing system. The feedback from the students was really encouraging.

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In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on Place Value. Games such as ‘Find the biggest sum', ‘Decimal Dice Game' have engaged the students whilst challenging their knowledge of place value at the same time.

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Our reading this week has been linked to our unit on governing systems. Several classes have started watching the cartoon version of Animal Farm by George Orwell. We will be using this and other texts to identify leadership styles and responsibility of the governed and the governing. Independent writing has continued to enable personal writing targets to be set up.

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Home Learning for all classes this week:

Maths: Sumdog – all students should have their new logins and can continue to work on their skills.

Unit of Inquiry: Please visit the website below which will act as a reminder about the different types of government systems the students experienced this week and some others. Please discuss the information with your child.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guides/world/united_nations/types_of_government/newsid_2151000/2151570.stm 1

Dates to remember:

Fri 9th Sept Lantern Festival and PTA AGM 5.30pm

Warm regards

Y6 Team