Kowloon Junior School - ESF https://www.kjs.edu.hk/yr6-weekly-update-012017/ Export date: Fri Jan 10 17:38:40 2025 / +0000 GMT |
Yr6 Weekly Update - 01/20/17NGO DAY We finished our week off last week with some great presentations from several fantastic NGO's from all over Hong Kong. We met some new friends, saw some old friends and had some great discussions on the day. When we returned to class we discussed what each non-profit organization does, what sort of information we learned from them and how students could get involved. We are hoping this now leads to the students becoming inspired to find out more about something for the Y6 Exhibition. Over the next week students will inquire into different science experiments to understand that energy can be transferred from one form to another. We will be looking at different science skills, creating and testing hypotheses, making and testing predictions, and using scientific vocabulary to explain observations and experiences. The students have continued with their own personal inquiries into a renewable and non-renewable energy source and are now working on ensuring that the information they find is put into their own words and their sources are cited. Our Central idea for Maths this unit is: Fractions enable us to describe our world accurately We will be inquiring into…
Some of our initial learning engagements will include, how fractions are used as a part of our daily lives, understanding that fractions are numbers that can be represented in different ways and fractions with like denominators (same size parts) are numbers that can be added or subtracted. For Literacy this week we are continuing to look at inferring and visualizing skills. For writing we will be looking at Procedural Writing. A procedure is an established way of doing something. Using procedural writing helps you accomplish a goal; it gives instructions for completing both common and complex goals. We will be using this when writing up our science experiments. ICT INFORMATION For those students who bring in their own devices, parents, can you please ensure that your child's apps are all updated. That includes, google drive, google docs, and a new app called Kids YouTube. Here is a pic of what the app looks like. SPORTS DAY Sports day was a great success! Thank you to all of the parents who came out to support their child. Thank you to Mr. Riddell and Ms. Hadley and the house Captains for their excellent organization of such a fun day! All of the students had a great time, showed their house spirit and participated in some great physical activities. IMPORTANT DATES 26 January: Chinese New Year Assembly 27 January – 3 February: Chinese New Year Holiday - If you are leaving early or returning late, please let your child's teacher know in advance. 6 February: Back to school 15 February: Maths Workshop for parents 9 March: Y6 Faust Performance 13 March: Maths Week 18 March: School Fair 20 March: Unit 5 begins - EXHIBITION 23 March: Student Led Conferences 3-6pm 24 March: Classes suspended for Student Led Conferences 27 March: KJS Music Concert 31 March: Term 2 ends at midday |