Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr6 Curriculum Update - 15/03/19

Working together to achieve success for every child

The Year 6 Team


Welcome to the 12th edition of our Year 6 Curriculum Update!

In each update, you will be able to see glimpses of the learning journey that our students have been involved in over the previous two weeks. Our Learning Journey is written by teachers and students.

On the 13th of March, Year 6s celebrated PI Day at KGV School. Our Year 6s buddied up with Year 7 students and participated in different activities such Kahoot, Mathematics dance and best costume competition. Students did a great job of being creative and dressing up in many different math themes!  Well done to all the KJS students for their enthusiasm and participation!

Transdisciplinary Learning – It's all connected!

In Inquiry, We have just begun our next unit of inquiry. The theme is ‘How the World Works', the central idea is - ‘The design and making process can be used to solve problems.'

In our tuning in task, we were  presented with a problem and we had to design a solution. We worked in small groups of four to use design and technology to find a solution to the problem given. In our groups, we first discussed our ideas, chose the best idea, created prototypes, blueprints, and wrote about the process we went through.

In Writing, we have started working on adding a variety of sentences. This week, we explored simple and compound sentences.

In Maths, we have been working on finding out the area of the coloured part of the entrance to the classroom, also known as ‘The Portal,' and calculating how much paint will be needed. Some classes looked at multiplication and how to show their working out visually. You can watch this awesome video by Jo Boaler on Youcubed website about why it is important to think visually here.

In Mandarin, students have had a benchmark assessment in order for there to be a smooth transition into KGV. These benchmarks will make sure that students are learning things that are not too easy or hard for them.

In Music, we are starting to compose our own Canon in D in groups of two. We then are going to combine our piece with another pair and select the best one.

In PE, This is our third week of playing end-ball and now we are learning how to control, referee and keep our scores in our own games. Also, we have begun to play in the actual tournament and have decided who will take the different responsibilities: e.g team captain, vice-captain, administrator, reporter, equipment manager and players.

Library news:  Since Book Week is over, students are welcome to fill in a form so that the Library Team can make Book Week next year better for the other year groups. Students can fill in the form on Orbit on library computers. The deadline for Scholastic order forms has already passed.

Our Green Dream fair is tomorrow and we hope to see you all there!


Saturday, March 16th - School Fair

Thursday, 28 March    - Basketball Tournament at KJS

Friday, 29 March         - Annual Music Concert

Monday, 1 April           - A big test!

Tuesday, 2 April          - Wear Blue Day for Autism Awareness

Thursday 4 April         - ESF Primary Choral Concert

Friday 5 April               - Ching Ming Festival – No school



Kind regards,

Year 6 Teachers and Students Editors and Photographers

(Adelaide 6G, Arthur 6G, Mannat 6P, Minchae 6P, Cyrus 6E, Sia 6E, Jaeyun 6L, Rachel 6L, Devanshi 6A and Sian 6A)