Kowloon Junior School - ESF
Export date: Fri Jan 10 13:14:04 2025 / +0000 GMT

Yr5 Weekly Update - 21/10/16

Central Idea: Media can influence an audience's thinking and behaviour.

This week being a short week the children have been exposed to slogans, and what makes a good slogan a good slogan. We have started introducing the children to the semiotic codes when viewing different media. They are the gestural, audio, linguistic, spatial, and visual codes. Ask your child what they have learnt so far and what this means. We are working towards the children being “Critical consumers of media.”



This week we have continued our focus on using the context to help work out unknown words. So the children should be  stopping if they don't understand what a word means; read the sentence again, what prior knowledge do they have about this topic and then to look for clues in the rest of the sentence to help them work out the meaning.  Then the children look in the dictionary to confirm. This will build up the children's comprehension of text and the skill of analysis.

In writing the children have written a piece around the topic of a “Special Time”. This has been done across the school for the teachers to be able to analyse each child's piece of work and to look at individual strengths and next steps.

We have also continued with looking at persuasive language which is used in persuasive writing and in advertising.



This is our third week on shape and space. Children have been using protractors to measure angles, looking at the perimeters of polygons, and moving on to look at the area of shapes.

Keep delving into the My Maths website as the children also need to keep practicing their understanding about decimals, this is ordering them, writing in expanded forms, writing them as a fraction, and renaming them for maintenance.


Other news

The teachers had a wonderful professional development day for the ESF on Monday at Renaissance College. Over 1000 staff attended and there was a wide selection of courses available. Seven of our staff also presented at workshops.

Thank you to those who attended the camp meeting last night, even in the black rain. Information has been emailed to you regarding camp information.

Please start thinking about equipment that your child needs for camp. You don't need to go out and buy new things, borrow from other people if they have it.

Parent conferences on Tuesday 1st November and Thursday 10th November.



  • Twenty minutes daily reading;

  • Try some of the online maths activities to reinforce learning in angles, perimeter and area – students have been given their login and passwords for MyMaths.

  • Share some slogans that they have noticed from a range of media and if possible an advertisement from their home country so we can get different cultural perspectives.
