Kowloon Junior School - ESF
Export date: Fri Sep 6 20:16:47 2024 / +0000 GMT

Yr5 Weekly Update - 19/8/16


It was lovely to meet our new classes on Tuesday morning, the children all arrived in school with smiles on their faces keen to start their Year Five experience.

We have been extremely busy in the first few days getting to know each other and deciding what sort of learning space is best for us as learners. The children participated in setting up and organising the classrooms so that it will be a space that belongs to them as much as to the teaching staff. They have also considered what makes a great learner and teacher and explored our guiding statements in order to develop our essential agreements. These will ensure we keep our classroom as the place where we can all learn well together.

In addition to this the students have also spoken and written about their holiday, showing us what they can do with their writing so we can plan writing targets to make it even better. They have also been thinking about the type of learner they are and how they feel about different curriculum areas to give us a better idea of who they are as learners.

We are very much looking forward to seeing our parents at the Year Ahead meeting on Thursday 25th August to share some information about what to expect this year. If you have not already done so, please check Gateway to book your time slot for your Welcome Meeting on Monday 29th August. This is an opportunity for you to tell us the important details about your child to help us get to know them.

What a great start to the year!

Kind regards,

The Year Five Team