Kowloon Junior School - ESF
Export date: Fri Jan 10 10:00:00 2025 / +0000 GMT

Yr5 Weekly Update - 11/11/16



Central Idea: Media can influence an audience's thinking and behaviour

Last Friday we had students from KGV in to work with us on using media to influence and audience. We worked with the app Pixelatr. The students from KGV spoke with the children about different shots used in adverts and their purpose, using the colour wheel to look at the negative space and the colour used in the background and the colour of the font used, position of objects in the advert and graphology, - the fonts used and for what purpose, to suit younger or older audiences. The children from KJS then took photos and inserted them into the app and practised making their own advert. One group worked with the KGV students to learn how to make I movies and use these to advertise products All these skills are working towards the children designing their own advertisements to advertise a product of their choice as their summative task.

In class we have been analyzing adverts as to what makes a good advert and developing criteria around this, to guide them when making their own. The children have also been involved with developing the rubrics for the Express Ourselves rubrics that is on the evidence so they are very clear about what criteria they need to be thinking about when constructing their summative task.



All classes are working towards developing their understanding of what they are reading. The children's prior knowledge is being activated before reading a text with us. This is looking at what vocabulary and phrases may be in the text, writing down what they know about the topic they are going to read about, and what questions or wonderings they have around the topic.

We have also included data reading skills as part of our rotation, as our children need more work on this, so this is maths and literacy. This is reading and interpreting graphs, menus, timetables etc. The children need to look carefully at the details, one of our important skills of analysis.

We are still working with the children to add more detail into their writing. This means that they need to think about the audience they are writing for, and what they might need to know so the audience can picture it in their heads.

When reading to your children you could ask them to visualise or picture what has been read in their heads, then you could discuss what words or phrases helped them to make this picture in their head.

Talk to your child about their goals in writing and why they need to work on these. They should be able to articulate what their goal is and why they need to work on this.



This is week we have been looking at reading co-ordinates and map reading skills. This will also help to get the children ready for some camp activities.

Keep delving into the My Maths website as the children also need to keep practicing their understanding about decimals, this is ordering them, writing in expanded forms, writing them as a fraction, and renaming them for maintenance.


Other news

Thank you for booking and attending the parent conferences. It was lovely to speak with parents.

Our school Annie production starts next Thursday night, so please book in your tickets so you don't miss out.

Not long until camp, please make sure that all the necessary paperwork has been filled in, and your child is part of the packing process, so they know where things are in their bag.



  • Twenty minutes daily reading;

  • Try some of the online maths activities to reinforce learning in angles, perimeter and area – students have been given their login and passwords for MyMaths.

  • To look at adverts with you and discuss the intended message, who is the targeted audience, and what semiotic codes have been used to influence your behavior or thinking. Ask them about colour choices, layout, camera shots used.
