2 Jun 2017

Yr5 Weekly Update – 06/02/17


Producers and consumers play interdependent roles in the economic system.


Unit of Inquiry

This week, Year 5 have been beavering away, getting themselves ready for the ‘Dragons’ Den’ where students will showcase their prototypes and ask for an investment of $200 from the ‘Dragons’ for their business venture. Using the findings from their market research, students have been improving their products and putting together a draft business plan. In preparation for the event, they have also been watching excerpts from the programme and coming up with a success criteria for a successful presentation. Visual thinking routines have also been used to enable students to really understand the components of their business or product and how they connect in order to make it work.

On Thursday, Year 5 had the opportunity to visit the Year 6 PYP Exhibition. Students learnt about gender inequality, poverty, pollution and animal testing amongst other issues, relating to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and learnt about some of the action that can be taken to achieve these. Year 5 found the event informative, but it also gave them a taste of what to expect next year.



In Maths this week some classes have been finishing off data-handling work involving the calculation of the mean, mode, median and range.  Others have moved onto time, converting between 12 and 24- hour time. Students have also been putting together a schedule of things to do in order to better manage their time in the run up to the ‘Dragons’ Den.’



In English this week, students have continued with their work on narrative writing and in guided reading, have been summarizing stories using story pyramids. In addition to this, they have been using Google Slides to put together their presentation for the ‘Dragons’ and working on their speaking and presentation skills.



In the next two weeks, students will be focusing on making their products, ready to sell on Market Day. Once the students have received their $200 from the ‘Dragons,’ they will need to buy their materials. Can you please ensure that your child asks for a receipt every time they purchase something with the money as they need to track their spending? These need to be kept in the same bag the money came in. Students are allowed to make some of their products at home, but we ask that everything else (business plans, advertising etc), are done at school.

Please be reminded that Market Day will take place on June 21st and parents are invited to come along from 9-10am. This will be an opportunity for students to talk about their business venture. Unfortunately, there will be no selling of products during this time. We look forward to seeing many of you there.


We were successful! Now to buy our materials.


Preparing for Dragons’ Den

Making a prototype to show the ‘Dragons’


Presenting to the ‘Dragons’