26 May 2017

Yr5 Weekly Update – 05/26/17


Producers and consumers play interdependent roles in the economic system



On June 21st Y5 will have our market day. In the morning of the 21st parents will be invited into school to look at the stalls from 9:00am to 10:00am. We would like you to discuss with the students what they have done in this UOI and what they have learnt about economic systems. Parents will not buy any items but have a look at the long journey the students have made from design to product. Each group should have a business plan and some accounts. Please ask to see them. Later that day the other KJS students will allowed to go shopping and purchase goods from the Y5 stalls.

The students are preparing a business presentation to go forward to the “Dragon’s Den”. This will take place next week. The “Dragon’s Den” may approve a loan to each business. This weekend the students should check the prices of any resources they may need to buy to produce their goods. Please help them if they require assistance, to source the materials. Once their business has been approved by the Dragons the team will then use the loan to buy their materials to make their products.

This week has seen all the students get into business teams or mini companies. They should have given themselves a company name. They should have decided what products they will make and thought about what they should charge for each item. We need to see the maker skills used in producing their goods to sell on market day. Some students have already designed and made a prototype that they will use to gather data when they carry out their market research surveys and to show the Dragons as part of their presentation.

To help the students understand important parts of economic systems this week have been playing a simulation game called the “paper boat game”. This involved teams of students learning how to make paper boats then produce them for sale. The conditions involving the purchase of the boats changed several times in this game introducing the important business concept of “Supply and Demand”.



Y5 have been finishing off working on addition and subtraction of decimals. We have been using number to 1 and 2 decimal places. The students have been working on traditional methods and other strategies such as using a number line to help.

We will now look at time. The students need to be able to tell the time using the 12 and 24-hour clock. They will be taught to use the digital and analogue clock as well.

They also need to be able to understand a basic timetable and be able to solve problems involving. We will be working on this area next week.




Our main focus in Language this week and next week is speaking and listening. The students are working in small groups to prepare their business plans. This involves teamwork and communication skills. The group then has to present their plan. This requires them to speak clearly when they make their presentation. There is a maximum time for the presentation of 3 minutes, perhaps they could try out their presentation at home?  The “Dragon’s Den” team will ask questions so the group will need to respond as a team to get their business plan passed.

The students have been writing surveys and advertisements as well as the presentation. In addition, they have planned and written a story using all that they have learnt about good ways to start a story; using ‘show not tell’ to describe characters’ emotions and having an interesting problem, to demonstrate the progress they have made. A busy time indeed.

Busy making prototypes using maker skills.