Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr5 Curriculum Update - 22/09/17

Working together to achieve success for every child



A snapshot of our learning in Year 5 over the last couple of weeks to share and discuss with the family:


Our Transdisciplinary Unit of Inquiry: WHO WE ARE

“Personal and collaborative action make a difference to how rights are upheld”


Our first Unit of Inquiry is coming to an end and students are really beginning to apply their understanding. The children have formulated effective questions to guide our personal inquiry and these have helped us to see how we might take different types of action. Children have undertaken research action based on the MISO (Media, Interview, Survey, Observation) research model and learned how to reference their sources so that they are academically honest.


One of the ways we can take action and raise awareness is through writing to persuade others, and students have been researching and creating persuasive arguments linked to their personal inquiry questions. Using criteria and having the chance to edit and get feedback on their writing is a really important part of the learning process and children have been able to see the progress they have made in their writing. This feedback strategy supports our children toward taking increasing responsibility for their learning and development of learner agency.


Our Maths unit on Place Value is also reaching a conclusion, with children extending their understanding into larger numbers and decimal place values. The opportunity to apply their skills in real-life problems has been a great way for teachers to assess what they have learned as well as providing an authentic context for learning.


Opportunities for Home Learning:


Please help your child to demonstrate agency and responsibility over their personal reading.

It is still vital that children in Year 5 have the chance to read to an adult, as well as listen to stories being read to them. Please encourage your child to choose books that engage and challenge them, and to choose a book that they would like you to read to them. There are many library books that use dual language to support ‘mother tongue' - home reading doesn't have to be in English!

See if you can notice examples from Hong Kong or around the world where people have taken action help uphold people's rights. Big Universe is  great for student-friendly news resources and books, and the SCMP Young Post regularly has stories about young people taking action.


Upcoming dates for your diary:


  • Friday 22nd September: PTA Lantern Festival/AGM for all the family

  • 2nd to 6th October: School closed: Half term holiday

  • 31 Oct Parent meeting for Year 5 Camp 3-3.45pm

  • 28 Nov - 1 Dec Year 5 Camp