Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr5 Curriculum Update - 18/05/18

Working together to achieve success for every child


Our  Transdisciplinary 1 Unit of Inquiry: How we organise ourselves: “Producers and consumers play interdependent roles in the economic system”


Dear Parents

Our Unit of Inquiry on businesses has kicked off this week with a great day's provocation. Our Mini-Market day set the students the challenge of creating a team, designing and planning a product, then making, marketing and reflecting on their success (did they make a PROFIT?).

This was a great learning experience for all the students and has generated lots of engagement for the next couple of weeks inquiry. What's also great is that the students will be able to use their new learning about advertising and print layouts from the last unit to help them market their products.

A group of Y12 students from KGV also visited for a session last week, presenting to each class on techniques such as the use of negative space and camera angles/shot length in print adverts.

In Maths, we have completed our learning on shape and space with investigations into how to transform shapes on a coordinate grid. Practice using coordinates in all four quadrants to describe translations, reflections and rotations of 2D shapes.

Our reading this week has been around the comprehension strategy ‘reading with a question in mind' as we investigate non-fiction books to do with supply and demand, ethical consumerism and how to create a business. There are some great books at a range of levels on Big Universe 2 that students can access through their SPLAT accounts

Students have begun to learn about how to write a REPORT  in the context of the unit. Compiling a business report for their products will be an authentic use for this text type. Students have begun to construct criteria for successful reports similar to the following:


Upcoming dates for your diary:

Y5 Market Day June 22

Shopping for raw materials


Y4 coming to buy the finished products