Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr5 Curriculum Update - 17/01/20

Working together to achieve success for every child

Written by Chloe Chun, Jacob Wong, Kobe Wong, Sophia Naveed, and Aryana Budhrani.

Unit of Inquiry

Who We Are
Central Idea

Values and beliefs define individuals and communities.
Lines of Inquiry

  • Tools and strategies for creating and maintaining positive relationships (Function).

  • How our actions impact on our relationships with others (Perspective).

  • Personal, physical and emotional changes we go through (Change)


Please refer to the information slideshows that have been emailed to you from the KJS office.  Please take the time to discuss the learning your child has been doing over the last fortnight and answer any further questions they may have.

This fortnight we have been learning how to keep ourselves safe. We have also been learning how to keep our private parts private and what flag to raise if something has happened. (There is a green and red flag).  A red flag is when you're in danger or when a stranger wants to do something inappropriate to you.  If it is a red flag, you need to say NO and make sure you tell someone trusted immediately.  Green flag people are trusted adults who are there to protect you and look after you.  We learnt what to do if we feel unsafe or uncomfortable with people and how we need to give people consent to touch us.  We know that if we don't want to hug someone, we could give them another option like a high five or a handshake.  We talked about different scenarios and what we would do if we were in a situation where we weren't comfortable. We thought it was a good idea to talk to our parents about what we've learnt and make sure they know what we are comfortable and uncomfortable with.

In literacy, we are continuing to develop our skills of inferencing. Inferring is basically using the clues in what you are reading to find answers that aren't specifically given. It's like making an educated guess.

We have working on our own writing targets and doing creative writing to get better at our targets.



In Maths we continue to learn how to solve equations using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with the main focus on multiplication and division.  We are learning how multiplication and division relate and how multiplication can help us solve division equations easier.

We have also been learning about time.  We are learning to:

  • Read, write and compare 12 and 24 hour time systems and convert between them

  • Connect 12 and 24 hour time to timetables

  • Solve problems involving difference in time

We have looked at how an analogue clock works and the parts, purposes and complexities of a clock.  We have shared what we know about 12 hour time and how it connects to 24 hour time.


Kind regards,

The Year 5 team


Key Dates for the Diary

Friday 17 January                             Chinese New Year Celebration assembly

Thursday 23 January                        Y5 & 6 Sports Day  & Last day of mid-term – FULL Day Classes

24 – 31 January                                Mid-Term Break

Friday 14 February                           CPD – No school

Friday 21 February                           Bingo Night (New Date)

Saturday 22 February                       ESF Cross Country Festival

9 – 13 March                                     Book Week

25 & 26 March                                  School Musical: Dr Dolittle Jr

Tuesday 31 March                            Student Led Conference – No school

NEW CAMP DATES                        27 - 29 April 2020