13 Dec 2019

Yr5 Curriculum Update – 13/12/19

Working together to achieve success for every child

Written by Chloe Chun, Jacob Wong, Kobe Wong, Sophia Naveed, and Aryana Budhrani.

On behalf of the Year 5 team, we wish you a safe and happy holiday.  See you in 2020.


Unit of Inquiry

Who We Are

Central Idea

Values and beliefs define individuals and communities

Lines of Inquiry
  • Tools and strategies for creating and maintaining positive relationships (Function).
  • How our actions impact on our relationships with others (Perspective).
  • Personal, physical and emotional changes we go through (Change)


Please refer to the information slideshows that have been emailed to you from the KJS office.  Please take the time to discuss the learning your child has been doing over the last fortnight and answer any further questions they may have.


Kind regards,

The Year 5 team


Key Dates for the Diary

Friday 13 December                         Last day of term – Half day (finish at 12 pm)

16 December – 3 January               Term Break

Monday 6 January                            First day of Term 2

New Photo Dates                            Week beginning January 7 2020

Friday 17 January                             Chinese New Year Celebration assembly

Thursday 23 January                        Last day of mid-termFULL Day Classes

NEW CAMP DATES                        27 – 29 April 2020