Yr4 Weekly Update – 09/9/16
This week we have been using the data from our VIA Character Strength tests to check our predictions and identify our top five ‘signature’ strengths. We have looked at how we use these strengths and how closely they match what we thought about ourselves at the beginning of the unit. We have also been inquiring into what makes an ‘everyday hero’ a little deeper, and seen some exemplar hero projects.
Classes have completed their INCAS testing this week and teachers are looking forward to being able to use the data to better match learning engagements to childrens’ challenge level.
We have finished off our work on place value and the number system. Students have been using the data from their VIA test to show different ways to organise and display data.
This week we have moved on to looking at how to Activate and Connect in our reading comprehension. Children have been looking for the features in nonfiction texts which act as signposts for understanding. We will continue with this next week.
We have also been writing in our personal journals. We are specifically focussing on author ‘voice’, showing how our use of vocabulary can make our identity apparent to our reader.
We have been noticing how colour, line and shape affect the presentation of our work, both through what we are viewing, and in our writing.
Home Learning
Look for examples of data tables in the home (hint: food packaging) and discuss why the data is important. Please continue to ensure children are reading each evening and are changing their books regularly. Levels have been assigned by the class teachers and children should record this level in their diaries for reference.
We have had a number of teething problems with our new subscription to Sumdog. Please bear with us while we get classes registered and running happily.
Getting our VIA results!