Yr4 Curriculum Update – 27/10/17
Working together to achieve success for every child
Dear Parents,
Over the past weeks we have examined and analysed the signs and systems in our school and wider community. The children have developed clear definitions of systems and signs and are able to apply these in their analysis. One of the communication systems the students have inquired into has been non-verbal communication. They have found out the many ways we can communicate without speaking.
Mr. O’Reilly came and asked the children to help develop solutions to some of the issues he has noticed around the school that need a better system to run more smoothly.
Students analyse signs related to different systems.
In language we have used our analysis skills to look at non-chronological reports. The children have created a checklist identifying the features of an effective non chronological report. The children are now beginning to write reports themselves. We are continuing to read a range of non-fiction texts to supplement our understanding of the features and style of non-chronological reports.
In Maths we have focussed on the relationship between addition and subtraction. The children have developed their proficiency in the use of various written methods as well as continued to progress in their application of mental strategies. We have played a selection of fun games requiring the use of their number skills and the development of strategies to try and beat their peers. Problems have aided the children become fluent in both operations and apply their understanding of how they are related.
Well done to everyone who took part in the ESF 50th anniversary marathon and carnival!
How you can help at home
Now the weather has cooled down we suggest you take your child on a hike to build up some stamina in preparation for camp! If you do go for a walk don’t forget to send us a photo.
A date for your diaries:
Remember the Parent-Teacher Consultations are next week on the 2nd November and the week after on the 9th November. Please book your appointment via Gateway. If you would like to bring your child with you they are very welcome to join our discussion of their learning.
UNICEF dress up day on Tuesday 31st October – minimum donation of $20 to dress in casual or a spooky costume.
There is a teachers’ training day on 6th November so school will be closed to students.
Remember if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s learning and wellbeing at school please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.
Kind Regards
Team Year 4