Kowloon Junior School - ESF
Export date: Fri Sep 6 12:12:59 2024 / +0000 GMT

Yr3 Weekly Update - 26/8/16

The teachers have been extremely impressed with how the children have settled into Year 3. Over the last couple of weeks we have been establishing routines and setting high expectations of the children in the classroom and on the playground. We couldn't be prouder!! Mrs Thomas has commented on numerous occasions about how Year 3 line up of a morning, walk around the school and are approaching their learning. Well done to all the students.


This we week in maths we have begun exploring place value by modeling numbers using base 10 blocks and looking at the relationship between units, tens, hundreds and thousands. We have also been collecting data within our classrooms and organising it into tally charts and even graphs. The skills of collecting and organising data are ones that the children will use in all areas of the curriculum and we hope that we will can empower the children to analyse the data to create their own inferences.


This week in literacy we have enjoyed getting to know your child as a reader and writer. The children have had an opportunity to write a recount about their holidays, it sounds like they had an amazing time. The teachers have been using the children's snack time to read aloud to the class. Listening to and adult read helps to inspire the kids to read and is also beneficial to teach them about expression and fluency. With teachers preparing to send home class readers soon, please use this an opportunity to listen to your child read aloud to you, to help develop these skills.
