Yr3 Weekly Update – 06/16/17
Different art forms reflect people’s creativity.
At the moment the children are approaching the CREATING stage of the creative cycle. Over the last few weeks the children have collected ideas about their passion, spent time exploring through images, poetry and other artworks, and are now ready to apply this to their own creative piece. It has been exciting watching the children start with an idea, deepen their thinking about what it is about that topic that makes them go WOW and now get ready to create a piece of artwork inspired their idea!! Their sketchbooks are evidence of this amazing process and I’m sure they are excited to share their journey with you at the end of the unit.
This week in mathematics we have been finishing off our work on 2D and 3D shapes by designing our own shapes and labelling their features. We have also been comparing shapes and using correct vocabulary to list similarities and differences. A fun thing to do this week was create a symmetrical flag, we first explored what symmetry means and researched flags of the world to see if there were any we could find that were symmetrical. Some famous ones were the Swiss, British, Italian, Canadian and French.
Our English genre continues to be poetry. We are writing poetry drafts, editing and using adjectives to make our poems more descriptive. We are able to see that using great words allows us to imagine what the poet is thinking. We may even illustrate them!