9 Jun 2017

Yr3 Weekly Update – 06/09/17


Unit of Inquiry: How We Express Ourselves

Different art forms reflect people’s creativity.


This has been another incredible week! Not only have we been continuing with our fabulous, creative, arty unit but we also had book week!

This week there have been guest readers in various parts of the school reading stories to anyone who wants to go along and listen.  Some of the stories have been read in other languages which has been such a wonderful opportunity, not only for children who it is their mother tongue but for others who just want to listen to the sound of the language. The Year 6s came down to our classes.  They chose books to share with us and we had such a lovely afternoon where they read us lots of stories.  There have been books on sale and competitions that classes that take part in.  The week ended with The Battle of the Books students vs teachers and of course not to forget the wonderful costume parade.  The amazing imagination and creativity in some of the costumes was quite spectacular and clearly lots of time spent has been spent on them.

Well done to all students and parents for being enthusiastic and supportive.



The Unit of Inquiry is still exciting and captivating the children.  We are using our inspirations to experiment and play around with images.  We are trying to see how we can develop our ideas and be critical of what we have done so we can improve it.  We are always evaluating what we are doing.  We are still collecting images of things that we love, are interested in and passionate about.  If you want to support us by helping us collect images at home from the internet, magazines, newspapers or even photographs that you take yourself we could use these to continue to inspire us. The more images we have the more creative we can become.



Our work on 2D shape continues on angles.  We have been looking at how we measure a turn using degrees.  We know that a quarter turn is 90 degrees which is also a right angle.  We also know that an angle bigger than 90 degrees is called an obtuse angle and one that is smaller is called an acute angle.  Maybe when you’re out and about you could see where these angles are in our environment.  We can use these to help describe the properties of a 2D shape.  We have also been trying to solve some shape word puzzles, that was a lot of fun.



Our English genre continues to be poetry.  We are writing poetry drafts, editing and using adjectives to make our poems more descriptive.  We are able to see that using great words allows us to imagine what the poet is thinking.  We may even illustrate them!