26 Jan 2018

Yr3 Curriculum Update – 26/01/18

Working together to achieve success for every child


The Unit of Inquiry:

Earth’s resources are limited and are not accessible to everyone. 

This is the final week of ‘Sharing the planet Unit of Inquiry.’ We ended this unit with a talk from Mr. Sharp who works for a SOLAR POWER company.

The kids were really keen to find out more about solar energy, especially after learning that the natural resources on earth may not be around in 50-100 years time. So let’s keep saving water and other resources as each of us CAN make a difference.



We are continuing with multiplication and division.  Classes have used arrays to help them understand the visual representation of products. We have also been trying to solve multiplication/division- related worded problems. Some children have made a great effort over the holidays to learn their tables- well done !



The children have been writing letters using persuasive language. They have focused their efforts on persuading the government organisations to do something about the depleting natural resources. They have also formulated open-ended  and closed questions. They will use these to create action plans for solving the problem of earth’s natural resources.


Art With Mr. Mcarthur

On Tuesdays the children have been working with with Mr. Mcarthur. They have  learnt different techniques and have really enjoyed getting their hands dirty! Here are some wonderful examples of the work done so far.




The colourful crayon drawing was done by Vivan in 3C – so creative!


And this wonderful pencil drawing was done by Bhavya from 3C- what a talent she has.



We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our latest member of the year 3 team. Ms. Kate Blackshaw will be covering 3G while Ms. Gultiano is off on her maternity leave. Kate and her husband have recently moved from Australia to Hong Kong with their two children.



Should you have any queries please, do contact us via our school emails.

The Y3 Team