Yr3 Curriculum Update – 15/06/18
Working together to achieve success for every child
Central Idea: The food we buy goes through a process of change before it is eaten.
Dear Parents,
Can you believe summer will be upon us so soon? We sure can not! Year 3 is hard at work investigating, creating, learning and presenting to each other about the different processes food goes through. We had an opportunity to share our learning with Year 1 and Year 2 during a short showcase assembly last week. The children used their bodies to mime the different stages of turning potatoes into potato chips, and it was a very fun experience!
We will continue exploring this topic and focusing on the role that humans have in it all. Students have created board games to explain the process of farm to fork and they had a chance to share it with each other!
In Maths, we have wrapped up probability and moved on to interpreting data, graphing, and looking for patterns. In patterns, we are focusing on identifying the missing elements in a pattern, exploring patterns in multiplication facts (repeated addition) and identifying patterns in odd and even numbers. For example, what happens when we add up two odd numbers? What happens when we add up two even numbers?
Students will be writing a comic strip explaining the process of farm to fork. They will pick a favorite food and break down all the parts, showing their understanding of all the different aspects of food production. Some questions you could ask your child at home could be: What are the benefits of processing food? What are some drawbacks? Some examples of food processing are preserving, cooking, packaging, slaughtering (meat).
Important Dates to Remember
Dragon Boat Festival June 18 – No School
End of Year Party June 28 – Y3 will celebrate its end of year party on this day. We will communicate more details later on.
Last Day of School June 29 – it is a half day and students will be released at 12:30
Please contact us via email if you have any questions!
The Year 3 Team