Yr2 Weekly Update – 11/25/16
Our classrooms have been hives of creativity and planning as students invented their own celebrations about something that was important to them. They began the process by examining themselves to think about what makes them special. They highlighted ideas including interests, family and cultural heritage. From their “cultural x-rays”, they then chose an idea that could be formed into a celebration that is important, special or extraordinary. Whether working individually or in self-chosen small groups, students excitedly decided why, when and where their celebrations take place. Finally, they planned all of the traditions—things they would do to celebrate. Ask your children to tell you all about their new celebrations. Maybe you’ll find yourself adopting new family celebrations!
As this unit falls under the transdisciplinary theme ‘How We Express Ourselves’, students were given ample opportunity to express their learning in different ways. Some students sculpted foods for their celebrations, while others used art materials to design decorations.
Literacy was heavily linked with the unit. All students wrote about the celebrations they were planning, trying to apply what they knew about sentence structure and specific word choice. Students used their speaking skills to share their celebrations with their peers. They had to remember to speak confidently, clearly and with exact words.
Students continued exploring the measurement of time using calendars. They organized calendars and accurately add special events. They also inquired into Hong Kong’s seasons and how the months were linked to our seasons. Number sense continued to be reinforced through problem solving strategies for addition and subtraction. Students were encouraged to try to use a variety of tools and strategies to solve the problems and then share their strategies with others.
At the end of any unit of learning, we encouraged our students to reflect on their own growth. You could do the same at home. Here are some simple questions to help you.
*What did you enjoy learning the most? Why?
*What was most challenging for you? Why?
*How and when did/do you show respect to others?
*How can you try to be open minded?
Best regards,
The Year 2 Team