19 May 2017

Yr2 Weekly Update – 05/19/17


Where we are in place and time

Knowledge of family history helps us understand the connection between past and present


Unit of Inquiry

The week has been full of finishing and starting!  We officially started the new unit of inquiry (details above) whilst at the same time finishing off the learning on plants.

For the new unit it is important that the children start to develop a sense of scale and sequence when thinking about time.  They need to know that things happen in an order and that that means things can be recorded.  They also need to know that some things are past, some are present and some, in the future.   To help better with these concepts we have been encouraging the children to collect all the words and phrases they can think of connected to time and we have then built vocabulary-timelines.

If you would like to help out at home and you have more than one language then you could help the children gather words and phrases in their mother-tongue and bring those into school to share.  Phrases such as a few days ago, in a couple of minutes, last year, when I was little, long long ago, next time, coming up are just a few examples that you might collect.




We have been using our research skills this week to try and start finding out about the past.  We use a KWL to help us, writing down what we think we Know, what we Want to know and then, after some research, what we have Learned.  After that we put our critical thinking hats on and try to carefully think about our own work, how much of what we have written down is really useful?  If we think it is we highlight it in yellow.




To connect to the new unit we have been looking at time in maths.  These pictures show members of 2G investigating time, how they can record it and how to read the data shown by clocks and watches.

It would be great if the children could become official timekeepers at home right now, being asked to read the time from the clocks, wrist watches and phones.



Dentist Visits

You will be receiving a letter to inform you of your child’s upcoming visit to the dentist.  All children who have returned the form will be seen by the dentist.  On this day your child should bring their toothbrush and their dental booklet with them to school.  The booklet will be returned that day.