Kowloon Junior School - ESF https://www.kjs.edu.hk/yr2-weekly-update-031717/ Export date: Fri Jan 10 13:32:45 2025 / +0000 GMT |
Yr2 Weekly Update - 03/17/17How the World WorksForces affect objects around us.Inquiry This was the last week of our unit however we have continued to be extremely busy! Students delved deeper into the forces and began to consolidate their understanding about' how forces affect objects around us'. As part of their learning, students designed their own experiments and used scientific inquiry method to test their hypothesis. It was nice to see that students were taking ownership of their learning, reflecting about what they have learned and talking about what they might do next. They are turning into great inquirers! Next week we will begin our ‘Sharing the Planet' unit. In order to tune in to the new Unit and to assess what students know already, we will be going on a trip to the Lion's Park on the 29th March 2017. The classes will leave for the Lion's Park at 12:00pm and arrive back at school by 12:30pm just in time for lunch. Students will need to bring their water bottle and a snack (in a disposable bag) for this trip. As it is warming up, a hat, sunscreen and repellant would be advisable too. We are looking for lots of parent volunteers from each class and in case you are able to help, we would request you to send an email to your class teacher as soon as possible. Maths Through various hands on activities and rich tasks, this week students worked hard to consolidate their understanding of both Fractions and Length. Some classes made fraction pizzas and some classes carried out measurement hunt to find objects that were around 1m in length. Maths Week This week was our ‘Maths Week' and students participated in various Maths related activities. On Wednesday we completed 100 days of school and therefore Year 1s and year 2s celebrated ‘100 day' by finding different ways to make a 100 . Author visit We were very fortunate to have cartoonist and poet Chris White at KJS. The children were hooked right at the beginning of the session as they enjoyed his hilarious drawing and poetry session. He inspired even the most reluctant writers and we thought he was very funny! Art: Some classes used sculpting to help them understand about the forces. Action Aryana took action by doing some active research into the forces and brought it to school. Well done! Important Dear Parents, The Year Two team will be running a stall for the school fair on Saturday March 18th, 2017 from 11:30 - 4:30pm. We are looking forward to seeing you! IMPORTANT DATES 18 March: School Fair 23 March: Student Led Conferences 3-6pm 24 March: Classes suspended for Student Led Conferences 27 March: KJS Music Concert 28th March: Year 2 Sports day 29 March: Year 2's Trip to Lion's park In case you would like to volunteer for this trip, please contact your child's class teacher. 31 March: Last Day of Term - ENDS AT MIDDAY |