1 Sep 2016

Yr2 Weekly Update – 02/9/16

This week has been an intense one for the children, with Monday given over to the very useful and rather fun parental meetings we had a day less but just as much learning to get to!

We have been getting to grips with our English by looking carefully at books and identifying the different ways that a text can share information with the reader.  We discovered that texts can include words, pictures, diagrams and even numbers!  Often it is necessary to look at all these things together, as a whole, to get the full understanding from a text.

Another skill related to different texts is that of knowing what you know.  To practice this the children have been stating what they now about a subject before, during and after reading a text.  They have considered how their knowledge changes through the reading process and how they know that that change has occurred.  This is high level thinking and the students are beginning to get the hang of it.

To support writing we have been considering where ideas and inspiration can come from.  We have looked into the everyday and the exceptional and we have realized that we all have stories worth telling.

Our Maths this week has almost exclusively been connected to the concept of Place Value.  This is essential basic understanding upon which all other Maths concepts can be built.

Finally this week has seen the children identifying systems around he school and then imaging the various parts which make up that system.

It has been a busy, happy and full week.  Bring on the next one!

Yr2 Teachers