Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr2 Curriculum Update - 27/10/17

Working together to achieve success for every child



Welcome to our FOURTH edition!

In each update, the Year 2 Team will bring you snapshots of what your children in Year Two have been up to. You will see a variety of learning experiences exemplifying learning which is fun, exciting, challenging, innovative and/or creative...and whatever they are, we know that your child has worked really hard to get there and should you have the chance, you may want to share this newsletter with your child to find out the juicy details and discuss the great learning he/she have been doing!


Transdisciplinary Learning - It's all connected!

The students in Year 2 have began the new unit of inquiry, which focuses on wellbeing. The students have used research tools, such as dictionaries and Siri on the iPad to explore the meaning of wellbeing and come to a shared understanding as a year group. The teaching team in Year 2 designed a ‘Wellbeing Day' to enable students to tune into different aspects of wellbeing. Learning engagements to support Social, Emotional and Physical Well Being included Yoga, Dodgeball, Food Preparation- fruit salads, Zen Den Relaxation and Collaborative art activities. The students reflected on the engagements they had chosen to partake in and began to consider how many of these aspects need to be fulfilled in order to have a balanced lifestyle and wellbeing.

Having tuned into the concept of ‘wellbeing', students have been encouraged to develop their vocabulary to identify and describe a variety of feelings and emotions. In class, the students have read several fiction books to explore the meaning of different emotions. We then created ‘moodstones' as a language and writing tool to support the students articulation of feelings.

In maths, we have began to explore the concept of time. This week, the students were asked to create a clock to show their current understanding of time and how it can be measured. The students have also inquired into durations of time, focusing on seconds, minutes and hours by completing practical investigative tasks, which have enabled them to record their findings using  tally charts and pictographs.




The photographs demonstrate the students working in pairs to create a clock. They were given sixty cubes, a hoop, two pipe-cleaners and some post-it notes to show their current understanding of time. The second photograph demonstrates the student's timing each other to find out how many star jumps they can do in a second, ten seconds, one minute and five minutes before recording their results on a graph. The other photographs were taken during the Y2 ‘wellbeing day', where students worked in teams to complete challenges and sports games to develop their social wellbeing.


How you can help at home

Using the password located in your child's diary, go onto the KJS website www.kjs.edu.hk 1  and browse our Year 2 Splat page for videos and learning opportunities specific to wellbeing!



Investigate Time: Begin to time and record key moments in your day. Can you time how long you brush your teeth for? Record how many hours sleep you need and get each night? How can this improve to stay healthy and have a balanced diet?


Well Done!

A big well done to all of those students who performed in the Diwali Performance. The students in Year 2 did a fantastic job and all of their classmates and teachers were very proud of them!


Key dates for the Diary

- Monday 30th October 2017: Author Visit at 11am for Y2 students.

- Tuesday 31st October 2017: UNICEF dress casual (or spooky) day to raise money for the charity.

- Thursday 2nd and 9th November: Parent- Teacher Consultations to discuss student progress.