22 Sep 2017

Yr2 Curriculum Update – 22/09/17

Working together to achieve success for every child


Welcome to our third edition!

In each update, the Year 2 Team will bring you snapshots of what your children in Year Two have been up to. You may see a wide variety of  learning experiences that might range from being fun, exciting, challenging, innovative and/or creative…but whatever they are, we know that your child has worked really hard to get there and should you have the chance, you may want to share this newsletter with your child to find out the juicy details and discuss the great learning he/she have been doing!



Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!


The students have gone through their first inquiry cycle in Year Two!

Currently we are inquiring into the question: How do systems work?


This has been quite challenging as the students have come to realize that systems are everywhere and are connected to many important parts that work together in order to connect to bigger and smaller systems!

These findings have encouraged the students to think critically and helped them to analyze and evaluate our definition of what a system is. Some ways the children have tested their theories of their combined definition of what a system is was through exploring systems we see every day; such as the MTR system, the airport system, board game systems and many more that sparked our interest!

We have also written about our systems definitions through “What Am I?” riddles, helping one another to guess what systems are special to us and to consolidate our definition of what a system is and how it works!

In maths, we have explored how the number system works using a range of tools such as numicon, base 10 materials, dominoes and number charts. We are inquiring into the many ways numbers can be represented, what tools best suit the way we love to learn and what tools challenge our conceptions of what we already know about numbers.



How you can help at home

Using the password located in your child’s diary, go onto the KJS website www.kjs.edu.hk  and browse our Year 2 Splat page for videos about systems!

Practise Place Value Games here



Take photos or bring in systems you and your child have found in or around your home to school to share as a  Show and Tell!



Thank you!

We had an overwhelming response from the Loose Parts Brochure we sent out two weeks ago. We have received so many amazing loose parts items donated by you and we are so grateful for everyone who helped to support the Y2 team in creating learning experiences that are fun, creative and challenging for our students!

We are now looking to stock our home center in the Year 2 Shared Area. Should you have any empty cereal boxes, baby food containers or jugs you no longer need, we would love it if you could bring them to school!



Look outs!

This week each Year 2 Class have sent home a parent volunteer letter for those parents who would like to volunteer their help at school. Please ensure you have returned the reply slip by Monday, 25th September should you be interested in helping. We would love to have the chance to work with you!



Key Dates

– Friday 22nd September: PTA Lantern Festival/AGM for all the family

– 2nd to 6th October: School closed: Half term holiday