Kowloon Junior School - ESF
Export date: Fri Jan 10 17:32:59 2025 / +0000 GMT

Yr1 Weekly Update - 01/20/17

Imagination can be shared through storytelling

This week, the children have been preparing for the Year 1 Showcase based on storytelling. Each class has created a story, which they will deliver to parents next Wednesday morning. The children have spent this week making props for the showcase, such as masks, hats and backdrops. They have also rehearsed the showcase, practicing to use a loud voice and lots of actions.


In Literacy, the children have continued to inquire about how stories can be told in different ways. They have explored the techniques storytellers use and have used such techniques whilst devising their own narratives. Can you devise or retell a story at home in a variety of ways? E.g. a puppet show, storybook and acting.

In Maths, we have continued to explore odd and even in the number system using number lines, 100 charts and by sharing various quantities into odd and even groups. Can you show somebody in your family a strategy which identifies whether a number is odd or even?