10 Nov 2017

Yr1 Curriculum Update – 10/11/17

Working together to achieve success for every child










Greetings! – It’s our 6th edition!


Every 2 weeks we will write a newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child’s learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 1 and how you can support these learning experiences.

Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!

This week, the students have started the new inquiry “Imagination can be shared through storytelling”.  This first week has been spent unpacking the words imagination and storytelling, with the students beginning to create a shared understanding of what these words mean.  The students have started inquiring into “What is an imagination?” and “What is creativity?”; this will continue into next with more hands on learning happening as they explore these big ideas.


Within Maths, students are starting to inquire into place value. They revisited sequencing numbers and are building their mathematical language (more, less, small, smaller, smallest, larger, largest).  The students have begun to recognise 1 more and 1 less through a variety of games and activities.  The ongoing development of skip counting in 10s will enable the students to continuing investigating, describing and recognising patterns in the number system. Meanwhile, in Language, students have been using some well known children’s stories as a basis to recognise simple patterned sentences.  They have then created their own written pieces based on these – sometimes choosing to exactly follow the author’s word choice, sometimes choosing to innovate and make it their own.  .