Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr1 Curriculum Update - 09/11/18

Working together to achieve success for every child


Greetings! – It's our 6th edition!

We write a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child's learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 1 and how you can support these learning experiences.

Let's Inquire – How We Organise Ourselves

We have discussed the concept of community and looked at what a community is and have made comparisons between the different communities we are a part of and how people are connected to them. We identified that we are a part of a school community and this encouraged us to walk around our local area to see what is around KJS. We observed that there are different systems that support people such as, travel, communication and safety systems. The children were given the opportunity to document their learning through photographs, drawing maps and writing about what they observed.

The students were able to make connections to our last unit and came to a shared understanding that a community is a group of people that cooperate for a purpose.

We have been discussing responsibility and how we have different responsibilities in different groups such as in school, at home and in clubs. We have talked about our families and read ‘The Family Book' by Todd Parr to support our student's understanding of how families are different.


‘Success for Every Child – AAROW

Achievement: What are we achieving? In literacy the students are taking part in shared reading of pattern books where they are identifying the repeating sentence, they then create their own version of the sentence when independent writing. They are beginning to successfully talk about their targets when reflecting on their work. In numeracy we have been ordering values of numbers and have begun to tune students in to measurement which will be our next inquiry in maths.

Agency: What agentic opportunities have we had? In our year group assembly the students were given the provocation of a shop face which is a role play unit that we have placed near the home corner. We asked the students to use their creativity to imagine what it could be. We have had many different interpretations, from a restaurant to a pet shop, a florist and a 7/11!

Respect: How are we developing a respectful community? The students have had the opportunity to create their own obstacle course and as a part of this we discussed respectful interactions when using the course, such as, when two people meet at the same point how can you resolve this issue. One successful strategy they used was to rock, paper scissors!

Opportunity: What opportunities have we had? The students have had the opportunity to choose which systems they would like to explore further and have shown interest in transport systems, exploring escalators work and creating their own obstacle courses.

Well being: How are we developing a positive sense of well being? We are continuing to discuss and model respectful interactions and our Year 6 buddies have supported this. We have had teddy bears picnics, writing notes and developing special handshakes as a means to explore the different ways we can show respectful communication with others.



In the Chinese classrooms, the Year 1 children have begun to inquire into their home community, learning to introduce each family member. They continue to work cooperatively with each other during activities and how their choices can affect themselves and others. Connections to learning are made using Chinese songs, rhymes, games and stories.



Thursday 16th - Friday 17th November - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Monday 19th November - ESF Parent Session 5-6pm


Please send in any junk e.g. boxes, cups for our make do area. We also need rugs and cushions to accentuate our areas, all donations are greatly appreciated!


Please remember if you have questions or concerns, contact your child's teacher. We welcome feedback and look forward to working with you to achieve success for every child.

Kindest regards, The Year 1 Team