Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Yr1 Curriculum Update - 07/12/18

Working together to achieve success for every child

Year 1 Working together to achieve success for every child

Curriculum Update 7th December 2018


Greetings! – It's our 8th edition!

We write a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child's learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 1 and how you can support these learning experiences.

Let's Inquire – How We Organise Ourselves

After walking around our local community the children thought about the different systems they had seen and how they help to support the community.  Students also talked about the systems that support them where they live and systems they had seen in other parts of Hong Kong.

Classes then cooperated to design and create their own community.  The children shared their ideas about what should be included and were encouraged to explain their choices through the lens of the Parts, People, Interactions thinking routine.  Children considered the parts (schools, playgrounds, airports, taxis, roads, ice cream shops, museums), people (the community) and how they interacted (who is responsible for them, who uses them and how they are helpful).  

Many children were interested in transport systems and our learning was taken further by developing our own railways, then designing and building a Year 1 MTR system from cardboard and MakeDo.  Our MTR includes a train, entry gate, ticket machine and 7-Eleven! It has maps, signs, Octopus cards and tickets for the passengers. Any passengers that need help navigating the MTR can talk to a friendly employee, they will be wearing a badge or uniform!


‘Success for Every Child – AAROW

Achievement: What are we achieving? In Literacy the students are working together to retell the story of The Little Red Hen using story language and actions.  They will be performing the story in front of Year 2 and 3 in an assembly on Friday. We are very excited about our performance!  In Numeracy children are continuing to explore measurement including mass and capacity. Students are now beginning to consider place value, exploring two digit numbers and thinking about what each digit in a number actually means.  For example, 64 is 6 tens and 4 units/ones.


Agency: What agentic opportunities have we had? Children have been thinking about the MTR system and many have shared their own experiences of travelling on the MTR.  Children have also been creating maps, advertisements and other parts of the system in their own free time and at home.


Respect: How are we developing a respectful community? The students have been revisiting what it means to respect our learning environment and each other.  We have been focusing on using kind hands and words, being supportive and encouraging to our friends and a positive influence on their wellbeing.  When working in the shared area, children are being encouraged to engage in different activities but ensure the environment is organised and ready for other children should they wish to use it.  

Opportunity: What opportunities have we had? The students have had the opportunity to choose which systems they would like to explore further and have shown interest in transport systems, obstacle courses and the MTR.  

Well being: How are we developing a positive sense of well being? We are continuing to discuss and model respectful interactions and encourage children to try and solve problems independently.  Although we are very busy, we are taking time out of the day to relax, stay calm and be mindful of ourselves and others around us.                                 



Year 1 children continue to inquire into the home community and learning about family members. Connections to learning are made using Chinese songs, rhymes, games and stories.

Here's a glimpse of some of our classrooms:



Thursday 13th December - Year 1 Celebration Day (casual party clothes, jazzy jumpers)


Friday 14th December - Term Ends at 12.00pm


Monday 7th January - Term 2 Begins


Please send in any junk e.g. boxes, cups for our make do area. We also need rugs and cushions to accentuate our areas, all donations are greatly appreciated!


Please remember if you have questions or concerns, contact your child's teacher. We welcome feedback and look forward to working with you to achieve success for every child.

Kindest regards, The Year 1 Team