Yr1 Curriculum Update – 01/03/19
Working together to achieve success for every child
Happy Book Week!
It’s our 12th edition!
We write a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child’s learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 1 and how you can support these learning experiences.
Let’s Inquire – How We Express Ourselves
We have been inquiring into how ‘imagination can be expressed in different ways’. Book week has fitted perfectly with our current learning! Students have been exploring different stories and making connections to what they have learned about story structure and what a story must have and can have. They have had the opportunity to make their own books (and book monsters!) create stories on Toontastic on the iPads and start to think about books they would like to explore further such as ‘The Gingerbread Man’.
Classes have been cooperating in the shared area and are demonstrating a greater depth of understanding of beginning, middle and end when creating puppet shows, songs and using abstract and concrete materials when role playing.
In literacy we have been looking at expression and how we can use our voice to interest a reader. We have been exploring how expression can make an audience feel a certain way, what is your Big Bad Wolf voice like? The students have had the opportunity to apply their oral retell skills to writing and have written ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
In mathematics we have been continuing to develop our number sense, finding patterns in the number system and exploring odd and even numbers. We have also linked our maths session to book week where we read the book ‘Cluck O’Clock’ and made our own clocks! We also played ‘What’s the time Mr.Wolf?’ and made connections to time and experiences – we all know lunchtime is around noon!
Understanding the value of number is a very important developmental stage and to challenge our students we have been giving them four digits such as, 5 6 2 and 1. We have then been asking them to make two digit numbers with these single digits. They must then think of 1 more and less and justify the value using concrete materials such as Numicon and Base Ten blocks.
Year 1 children are inquiring into Chinese learning through stories and rhymes. They are also learning about how Chinese characters are formed. Connections to learning are also made through songs, rhymes and games.
Here’s a glimpse of the happenings in our classrooms:
If you have not purchased them yet, please be reminded that the new KJS hats and book bags are available from the PTA office.
Saturday 16 March KJS School Fair
Please remember if you have questions or concerns, contact your child’s teacher. We welcome feedback and look forward to working with you to achieve success for every child.
Kindest regards, The Year 1 Team