Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Newsletter- 31/10/16

Kowloon Junior School's latest newsletter is available to read now.


Student Achievement 2



Message from Head of School

Dear All,

I trust you have had a good week – particularly those in our community who are, as I type, celebrating Diwali with their loved ones. The children put on an incredible Diwali Assembly on Friday – amazing us all with a varied programme of poetry, song and dance.  After the assembly I forgot to thank Heer and Khiara who were crucial to the smooth running of the show as well as the decoration so I wanted to take this opportunity to recognize their contribution.

This Friday we have the PTA Quiz night – I have been reading my encyclopedia every night since I bought my ticket. As Quiz Night will be in the gym we need to be mindful of our beautiful – and expensive – flooring! To this end please note that we can not have stilleto heels or wheeled shoes in the gymnasium.  Thank you for your understanding.

As the weeks pass, our production of Annie Jr. looms closer. All the actors and dancers will be rehearsing both on Wednesday and on Saturday this week. The Saturday rehearsal is compulsory – we start at 9.30am and finish at 3.30pm – please make sure the children have their lunch and snacks packed to keep them going!  Tickets are now on sale to the wider community using this order form.

Parents are asked to please note the following points:

  • All tickets are $40 each (children and adults)

  • Cash payment of the correct amount will only be accepted with the completed form

  • Tickets can only be purchased from the KJS ground floor office

Cast One will be performing on Thursday 17th November and Cast Two on Friday 18th November. Please note that ALL cast members will be in BOTH performances.

At the start of the week Mr Riddell met with parents to talk about the impact of nutrition on our health and well-being. Students who have a healthy balanced diet, plenty of sleep and sufficient exercise are most receptive to successful learning.  As a general rule the less packaging your food requires, the better it will be for you. I would like to see an improvement in healthy snacks and lunches across the school. With the knowledge we now have about the impact of excess sugar and salts in our diet I ask you to make sure snacks are healthy – fruit and vegetables are always best – and that lunches are carefully considered.  Water is by far the best thing for your children to drink throughout the day. We have many water fountains for refilling their drinks bottles.  Stopping children bringing in packets of juice will please Mrs Hadley and the Zero Waste Team no end. This week they conducted a whole school waste audit to see where our problem areas lie. The Zero Waste Team will be reporting back with their findings and recommendations very soon.

Parents are asked to note that due to the Parent-Teacher Conferences held on Tuesday 1st November and Thursday 10th, all after-school sports clubs will be cancelled. For after-school music clubs, only Senior Choir on Thursday 10th will be cancelled but Ukulele Club will continue.

Lastly, please note that the rescheduled school photographs will be on Friday 4th November. All students will need to wear school uniform school as we will have the whole school photo in the morning.  Children should bring their PE uniform to change in to should they need it on Friday.

Timings for rescheduled school photos are as follows:


See you at Quiz Night!


Head of School


Student Achievement

Very well done Shashvat for your participation in the winning HK Lions team at the football tounament earlier this month!


Archer and Jamie played for USRC2 at the Tigerfest Rugby Festival yesterday. Their team was the outstanding team of the USRC Tigers, winning two matches, drawing one, and narrowly losing one. Jamie and Archer both made plenty of tackles and both scored tries for their team.

Matt and Ben also received medals in the tournament. Well done boys!

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Lara Wong took part in her first ever gymkhana at Clearwater Bay Equestrian Centre last week. There were equestrian games and races, and even a spot of show jumping. Well done Lara. Rosettes all round!



Important Dates

Friday 4th November                       PTA Quiz Night for all the family

Tuesday 1st November                    Parent Teacher conferences 3 – 6.30pm

including meetings with Mandarin, PE and Music for Y1 and Y5 parents

Thursday 10th November                Parent Teacher conferences 3 – 6.30pm

including meetings with Mandarin, PE and Music for Y1 and Y5 parents

Thursday 17th November                 KJS Musical

Friday 18th November                      KJS Musical

21st – 23rd November                      Y4 Camp

22nd – 25th November                     Y5 Camp

28th Nov – 2nd Dec                          Y6 Camp

Friday 9th December:                       School Disco for all the family

Tuesday 13th December               Term ends at midday


Parents will be informed of any date changes in the school newsletter.