27 Jan 2021

Newsletter- 27/01/21

Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.


Dates for Your Diary

Tuesday 2 February                           Parent Workshop – Y3 & Y4 RSE (refer to Mr Fay’s message)

Friday 5 February                               ESF Chinese Assembly

Wednesday 10 February                    Day before Mid-Term Break – FULL Day Learning

11 – 19 February                                 Mid-Term Break

Tuesday 2 March                                Parent Workshop – Triple P Seminar 2

1 – 5 March                                         Book Week

Thursday 4 March                              World Book Day

Tuesday 16 March                             Parent Workshop – Y5 & Y6 Relationships & Sexual Education

18 & 19 March                                    3 Way Learning Conferences

22 – 23 March                                     Y4 Camp

Thursday 25 March                            ESF Evening of Dance

Friday 26 March                                 Last day of term – Half day (finish at 12pm)

29 March – 9 April                               Term Break



Dear Parents,

It has been a busy week at school with a different year group in each day enjoying hands-on learning experiences, teachers planning for engaging learning via Zoom and meeting to plan for the weeks ahead. You can see Mr Panico the scientist in action below with some of his students! In addition, we started this week with both the PTA AGM and the School Council meeting on Monday afternoon.

The PTA AGM related to 2019/20. What a lifetime ago that seems! We were able to celebrate so many aspects of ‘normal learning’ when we looked back on the start of our last academic year. We want to take this opportunity to thank the PTA under the leadership of Saloni Melwani for the continued support of both families and the school.

A number of reports were presented to the School Council regarding Health and Safety, Maths, English and the IB Evaluation. Additionally, we shared an analysis of the mid year reporting data. What was reassuring was the excellent support and professional learning provided to staff to enhance their knowledge and skills and the resultant impact for students, especially in writing. The meeting concluded with ESF representatives meeting with the School Council to share the recruitment process that has been instigated for the principal role commencing in August 2021. I can assure the community that with the strength and knowledge of the SLT and the support of the School Council, ESF will be seeking a professional who can continue to support and lead the wonderful KJS Team and the clear priorities that have been established.


As always please reach out if you have questions or would like to offer feedback @ neill.oreilly@kjs.edu.hk


Kind regards




Neill O’Reilly






ESF and Other Notices

Please click here for more information.



Student Success

The celebration of student success will channel to our Facebook page. You can find the school’s Facebook here. Please keep the photos and stories coming of our children shooting the AAROW’s of Success!


  1. Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation and its affiliates shall take no responsibility for any activities, events, and services, that are organised by other organisations or individuals and are mentioned in our newsletters.
  2. If you do not wish to receive our newsletters by email, you may contact the school office at office@kjs.edu.hk to opt out. Our newsletters will still be accessible on our website https://kjs.edu.hk/kjs-news/.
  3. In accordance with our Personal Data Handling Policy, Kowloon Junior School and English Schools Foundation may place your child’s photos, name, school work, activities and accomplishments in our newsletters or other publications (including but not limited to our websites and social media sites).  If you would like to opt out, please email the school office at office@kjs.edu.hk.