Kowloon Junior School - ESF https://www.kjs.edu.hk/newsletter-21-06-24/ Export date: Fri Nov 22 12:33:45 2024 / +0000 GMT |
Newsletter- 21/06/24Kowloon Junior School's latest newsletter is available to read now. Dates for Your Diary28 June Last Day of Term 3 (school ends at 12:00) Principal's MessageDear KJS Families, I hope this message finds you well. As we near the end of the school year, I can't quite believe that next week is the final week of term. It's incredible how quickly time flies. Next Wednesday morning, all students will have the opportunity to meet their new class teacher for the upcoming academic year. They will also spend some time with their new classmates to help ease the transition. On the same day, we will send out information to all of you so that you are aware of your child's class teacher for the 2024/2025 academic year. Please note that end-of-year reports go live today. You should have received information regarding this along with instructions on how to access them. Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey regarding the timetable proposal. If you haven't yet, please take a moment to complete it; we value your input and want as many responses as possible. Please see this link to access the survey. As we head into the final week of term, we recognize that it will be a time of celebration and some sadness for our Year 6 students as they prepare to leave. We look forward to seeing all our Year 6 families at the leavers' celebration assembly on Thursday to ensure they get a well-deserved send-off. Please also remember that next Friday, we will finish at 12pm. Have a lovely weekend. Warm regards, Mr Gavin MacGregor Principal Distribution of 2023-2024 YearbookThe production of this year's yearbook is complete. A copy will be sent home today to Y1 to Y5 parents who have already paid via the Gateway before the deadline (i.e. 16 June 2024). Please check your child's school bag accordingly. Y6 students will receive their yearbook next week. News from the PTAAlmost time for the holidays, one more week to go before the summer holidays and Drake is ready to travel the World! For those children who have purchased Drake, we are asking parents to take them with you on your holidays, wherever that may be, and take photos in different locations and settings . These photos can uploaded on this Padlet and parents can select the location of where they are.We hope to see some amazing photos! For those who have not yet got their Drake, it's not too late! You may still order for your child or a gift for other children via the PTA website Events in 2023-24 We have had busy weeks leading up to the end of the school year, including the last PTA meeting of the year which was well attended. The net profit from the 2024 Raffles was presented to the school Principal, Mr MacGregor, towards the purchase of new interactive whiteboards and a big vote of thanks was given to the stalwart and talented team of volunteers who have contributed so much to the events that have taken place over the past year. We started the school year with a Staff Appreciation Day and also supporting the new year 1 families on the Open days in early September and the PTA organised the year group coffee mornings with Gavin MacGregor to give parents a chance to meet and welcome him. In October, we raised funds to support mental health and wellbeing with our Wacky Wednesday (mismatched clothes day) In November we had the Monsters Ball, the PTA Annual General Meeting, when new Committee members came on board and we also celebrated Diwali. In December we hosted the very enjoyable Winter Festival before the end of the first term. The new calendar year saw the start of planning for the biggest event of the PTA Calendar, the annual School Fair. Raffle donations and volunteers were sought, licences were applied for, team leaders meetings began on a regular basis to discuss and finalise plans and dreams started to come to life. March 16 was the big event and we had a fantastic attendance of over 2,700 people with a very successful and enjoyable day. In May, we had 2 special events, the Caregivers Appreciation Morning With over 100 people in attendance and much laughter and delight form the guests, and then our very inspirational speaker who came all the way from the US,Lonnie Bedwell. Now it's June and we have launched Drake and other items and come full circle with supporting the new cohort of year one students who will be joining us in August. A small snapshot of the work that the PTA does to build this community and we encourage more parents to get involved and make it even better next year. As always, we encourage parental involvement in our projects, you may contact us at any time: PTA Office T: 3765-8709 PTA Email: pta@kjs.edu.hk 1 PTA Whatsapp: 6211-4154 PTA Website: https://www.kjspta.com Have a good weekend ahead! The KJS PTA Team. Baking ClassInterested parents please contact the organiser directly for sign-up. ESF ExplorePlease click "Click Here" under the Enrol Now column for more details
Student SuccessThank you for sharing your child's achievements with us over the past year. While individual achievements are undoubtedly significant and provide a source of pride for both the student and their family, sharing every student's accomplishments on our social media channels is no longer feasible. Our intention is to create an inclusive environment where all students, regardless of their individual accomplishments, feel valued and celebrated. That being said, we encourage you to share your child's achievements with their teacher and peers, as well as within your personal social media networks. This way, your child's accomplishments can be recognized and celebrated by those who know them best. We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to navigate the post-pandemic educational landscape. Our school community's strength lies in our collective efforts to celebrate the diverse talents, achievements, and experiences of all our students. Disclaimer