Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Newsletter- 19/9/16


Kowloon Junior School's latest newsletter is available to read now.


Annie Jr. – more opportunities 2

5th Chess Star Competition 2016 – postponed 3

Green Team – resources request 4

PTA Quiz Night 5



Message from Head of School

I hope you have enjoyed the short holiday – the weather was certainly very kind to us. The two day training session for teachers was extremely inspiring as we revisited the potential of inquiry to provide personalised challenge for all students.  I thank you for your patience and understanding regarding training days which I know cause disruption for families.  All of ESF teachers have 5 days of training a year. One of these is set by ESF and the others are school based.  This week was chosen because it was already disrupted with the public holiday - we were also really keen to have the opportunity to work with our new skills and knowledge for as much of the year as possible in order to gain maximum benefit for the students.   This year we have tried to align our training days as much as possible with KGV so that it makes life easier for parents with children in both schools. We have another day in May that we have chosen because it lies between two public holidays. We always work to try and make things easier for parents – I know some of you are lucky enough to be able to take a holiday when there are several consecutive days off! Wishing you a lovely week ahead.

Karen Thomas

Head of School


Annie Jr. – more opportunities

We are very excited to now ask for dancers to help us out with our production of Annie Jnr.   Children will appear at various times throughout the production.  We ask that if you sign your child up, your child can dance and has a good memory for learning steps.  We will initially rehearse during school time where possible but your child must be prepared to commit to being at rehearsals on  on the following dates:


2nd November - Wednesday 3-5 pm

9th November  - Wednesday 3-5 pm

Saturday 5th November  - All day


The show will be performed the following week on 17th and 18th November in the evening and children will be required at both performances.

We have the following opportunities available:

  • 20 children from Y2 and 3

  • 16 children from years 4, 5 and 6.  Please note that children in Y4 choir will already be part of the production so should remain with choir, as practices will clash.


Please sign up on Gateway if your child wishes to take part from 9am on Tuesday 20th and 3pm on Friday 23rd September.


5th Chess Star Competition 2016 – postponed

Participants in the 5th Chess Star Competition 2016 are advised that due to low numbers the competition has been postponed. The QBS PTA LTD will hold onto all registration details and fees for the time being, and will advise you of the re-scheduled date as soon as it is confirmed. For further details or clarifications please do not hesitate to contact Mona Diwn directly.

Tel: 28871004

Email:  mona.diwan@qbs.edu.hk 7


Green Team – resources request

Our KJS Green Team has been busy already this term.  We have 3 groups of students all busy working on various projects.  Our Zero Waste team are busy researching what we throw away at school and will come up with initiatives to help reduce this waste and as a result our carbon footprint.  Our Gardening group have been busy preparing soil beds and planting seeds along with general garden maintenance.

Our 3rd group - the Garden Artists have researched and decided on their own projects to make our outdoor and natural spaces a little more inviting.  However as they are very aware of the importance of re-using existing resources they are asking for some help from home.  If you can help with donating any of the following items, please drop it in the boxes that will be located on the ground floor, outside the school office.

  • colourful paint ( this could be acrylic as it is for the small paited rocks)

  • buttons

  • transparent plastic

  • permanent markers

  • white glue

  • glitter

  • colourful beads

  • strong string

  • small bells

  • small rocks

  • small sticks

  • pebbles

  • brown paper

  • googley eyes

  • old bicycle wheel

  • sand

  • wire

  • plastic bottles

  • marbles

  • cutlery

  • CDs

  • coloured duct tape (or such like)

Your help and support is greatly appreciated.

Gillian Hadley


PTA Quiz Night

Please find below information about the upcoming Quiz Night on 4th November.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Important Dates

Tuesday 20th September                   Parent Workshop – An introduction to the Primary Years Programme 5pm – 6pm

Thursday 22nd September 3:15pm     Y3 Sailing information session for parents

Tuesday 27th September:                  Y1 Immunization in the hall (am)

Tuesday 4th  October                        Parent Workshop – Y1 Learning to Write 1.30pm

10th – 15th October:                      School closed – Half term holiday

Monday 17th October:                   School closed – Staff training

18th – 21st October:                         School photographer in

Tuesday Oct 25th                             Parent Workshop – Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds 8.45am

Friday 28th October:                        Diwali Assembly 9am

Friday 4th November:                       PTA Quiz Night for all the family

Tuesday 1st November:                    Parent Teacher conferences 3 – 6.30pm

including meetings with Mandarin, PE and Music for Y1 and Y5 parents

Thursday 10th  November:                Parent Teacher conferences 3 – 6.30pm

including meetings with Mandarin, PE and Music for Y1 and Y5 parents

Thursday 17th November:                 KJS Musical

Friday 18th November:                     KJS Musical

21st – 23rd November:                      Y4 Camp

22nd – 25th November:                     Y5 Camp

28th Nov – 2nd Dec:                         Y6 Camp

Friday 9th December:                      School Disco for all the family

Tuesday 13th December:                 Term ends at midday


Parents will be informed of any date changes in the school newsletter.