10 Feb 2021

Newsletter- 10/02/21

Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.


Dates for Your Diary

Wednesday 10 February                    Day before Mid-Term Break – FULL Day Learning

11 – 19 February                                 Mid-Term Break

Tuesday 2 March                                Parent Workshop – Triple P Seminar 2

1 – 5 March                                         Book Week

Thursday 4 March                              World Book Day

Tuesday 16 March                             Parent Workshop – Y5 & Y6 Relationships & Sexual Education

18 & 19 March                                    3 Way Learning Conferences

22 – 23 March                                     Y4 Camp

Thursday 25 March                            ESF Evening of Dance

Friday 26 March                                 Last day of term – Half day (finish at 12pm)

29 March – 9 April                               Term Break



Dear Parents,


We are very excited to announce the first edition of our school newspaper ‘ The KJS Times.’ You will find many exciting items that you can share with your children such as feature articles, information, stories and much more. Our first edition focuses on Chinese New Year and has been researched, written, and collated by our Student Council supported by Mrs Bailey and Miss McCarthy.  We hope you enjoy sharing this together. Please click here to access the newspaper.  Editions of our newspaper will be held within our virtual library and on shelves. We also re-attach our special Chinese New Year Virtual Celebration Assembly here as we celebrate this special time in Hong Kong.

We look forward to seeing the children back after Chinese New Year, especially now that they will have two consecutive days in school!

Kung Hey Fat Choi to all of our KJS families.


Kind regards




Neill O’Reilly




CNY Assembly Bonus Video

We hope you enjoyed the Chinese New Year Virtual Celebration Assembly, shared last Friday.  At KJS we are so excited about celebrating Chinese New Year that we have a bonus video to share with you!

Thank you to Nathan, Dip, and Russell from the Student Council for their contribution.




Library News

We’re looking for Mother Tongue Reader volunteers to read to our students. At the moment, we’re looking for Parents who can volunteer 15 minutes of their time to read to our students via Zoom. Our Library staff will help facilitate the link. You just need to read from a storybook that you have at home.

Languages that we’re specifically looking for would be Hindi, Korean, or Japanese. We’ve already received kind offers for Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin. If you have another language not listed above, it would be wonderful too.

Our students love the opportunity to listen to stories in different languages and in the past, this is the most popular event. Please help us continue this wonderful Book Week tradition.

Please email Ms. Lau at macy.lau@kjs.edu.hk if you can help. Have a wonderful Chinese New Year Holiday!



ESF and Other Notices

Year of the Ox Virtual Art Gallery

Positive and conscientious – these are just two of the characteristics embodied by the mighty ox, the second animal of the Chinese zodiac. These admirable qualities are shared too by our amazing students who put tremendous effort and joy into the artworks they submitted for our upcoming ESF Year of the Ox Virtual Art Gallery.

This online exhibition features 330 greeting cards and artworks created by talented students from 18 of our schools. The gallery is now open for public viewing and will close on 26 February and can be accessed here: https://www.esf.edu.hk/year-of-the-ox-art-gallery/


Chinese Language Festival 2020/2021

Please click here for more information.



Student Success

The celebration of student success will channel to our Facebook page. You can find the school’s Facebook here. Please keep the photos and stories coming of our children shooting the AAROW’s of Success!


  1. Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation and its affiliates shall take no responsibility for any activities, events, and services, that are organised by other organisations or individuals and are mentioned in our newsletters.
  2. Our newsletters may contain direct marketing materials that are related to students’ daily school activities and the KJS community.  Parents who choose not to receive such materials should use their own discretion.
  3. In accordance with our Personal Data Handling Policy, Kowloon Junior School and English Schools Foundation may place your child’s photos, name, school work, activities and accomplishments in our newsletters or other publications (including but not limited to our websites and social media sites).  If you would like to opt out, please email the school office at office@kjs.edu.hk.