Newsletter- 07/03/18
Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.
Dates for Your Diary
Thursday 8 March Y1 Immunisation
Tuesday 13 March ESF Chinese INSET (No Chinese Class)
Wednesday 14 March ESF Mixed Basketball Tournament
Thursday 15 March Student Led Conference (After school)
Friday 16 March Student Led Conference (No classes, by appointment slots)
Saturday 17 March KJS School Fair and ESF 50th Anniversary Carnival at KGV
Monday 19 March ESF Stakeholder survey closes
Friday 23 March School Concert
Tuesday 27 March Y1 & Y2 Sports Day
Thursday 29 March End of term (Full school day)
Monday 30 April Teacher training (No classes for children)
Dear Parents,
We had a great time last week with Book week and our Chinese New Year Celebrations! What a joy to be with children and staff who love reading and books and who also love to celebrate culture and community. These are such a central part of Success for Every Child and our AAROW’s of Success. Children who read well Achieve well, children who read for enjoyment have enhanced Wellbeing and have Opportunity to go to wonderful places in their minds! Our Chinese New Year Celebrations also enhance Wellbeing and provide Opportunity for children to learn about and develop Respect for other cultures. We also saw some children really developing student Agency when they made their own decisions about what to wear for the book week parade!
This week we ask you to take 10 minutes to complete the ESF Stakeholder survey that will be emailed to you (please hunt it out). We want to hear from you so that we can continue to improve and provide the most successful learning environment for your children.
We also ask that you make the time to come along and support your child in the upcoming Student Led Conferences. This is a great opportunity for your children to share their progress and achievement and for you to reinforce Achievement, Agency, Respect, Opportunity and Wellbeing (AAROW’s of Success).
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you!
Kind Regards
Neill O’Reilly
Face Masks at School
We have noticed an increasing number of children wearing face masks to school recently ostensibly for hygiene reasons. Please note our school practice is for children not to wear masks for a number of reasons:
- If they need a mask to protect others they need to be at home recuperating, not at school
- If they are wanting to protect themselves from others please note that our requirement is children do not attend school if they have a respiratory related illness hence there is no need for the mask
- Children often do not use the masks in a hygienic way and in fact spread germs with them
Maths Day
On Wednesday 14th March, KJS will be celebrating maths day. Each year group will be celebrating the wonder of maths in their own way. We are asking everyone in the school to dress up in a mathematical theme and enjoy fun, creative maths.
ESF Stakeholder Survey
A reminder to parents to spare some time to complete the ESF Stakeholder Survey. It is opened from 5 to 19 March 2018. Through this survey we aim to find out about the impressions that parents, staff and students have formed about the education we provide. The feedback from the survey will help us build on our strengths and inform our future planning.
PTA Update
The School Fair is next Saturday, 17 March 2018.
We need a lot more volunteers for various stalls.
Approach the PTA office if you can help for an hour or more.
We need your help with raffle tickets. We have extended the deadline to submit all raffle stubs and unsold raffle tickets to next Wednesday, 14 March 2018.
The male and female students who sell the most raffle tickets will win prizes respectively.
The class who sells the most raffle tickets will have a pizza party.
Hong Lee Han, the baker from Flour and the baking classes at school will be running a cookie decorating counter to raise money for the Children’s Cancer Fund at the fair. Please do visit her stall and participate in this worthy cause.
Early bird coupons for the fair will be available for purchase from tomorrow, 8 March 2018 from the PTA office. These coupons will also be on sale on Friday, 16 March 2018.
A letter with more details will be sent home with your child.
Thanks for your help!
Student Success
Rahul (6A) earned 3rd place in division D in the Scholastic Chess Tournament. Congratulations Rahul!
Pari (4L) has achieved the British Gymnastic proficiency award for level 5 last week. She would like to share this with the KJS community. Congratulations Pari!
ESF and Other Notices
ESF 50th Anniversary Carnival
Please click here for more information.
ESF Language & Learning – Spring Sensation Camps
Please click here for more information.
ESF Language & Learning – Author Writing Workshop
Please click here for more information.
4th International Zhou Youguang Cup Chinese Talent Show
To better promote Chinese Culture and to strengthen Chinese education amongst Hong Kong’s youngsters, we are going to hold the 4th Zhou Youguang Cup Chinese Talent Show in April, 2018. We also aim to use this event to showcase young Chinese learners’ talent and to offer them a platform for communication.
Please click here to watch a video about last year’s Chinese Talent Show, and click here for more detail about this year’s show and registration.
ESF The First 50 Years
‘ESF The First 50 Years’ is now published! This volume chronicles the ESF story, highlighting key events over the last 50 years. It also celebrates the successes and contributions of our students and staff, both past and current.
What’s in the Book?
- Stories of ESF’s major developments and milestones over the past five decades
- Interviews of all 22 ESF schools with key historic events and current whole school photos
- Exclusive interviews of 22 prominent alumni
- Interesting stories from 5 key leaders and 12 long-serving staff
The book is now available for sale via the ESF website: Copies will also be available in major bookshops in Hong Kong by late December.
More details:
Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation and its affiliates shall take no responsibility for any activities, events and services that are organised by other organisations or individuals and are mentioned in our newsletters..