12 Jun 2017

Newsletter- 06/12/17



Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.

2017-18 YEARBOOK
Summer Baking Classes


Dear All,


Dear Parents,

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support of Book Week last week – the costumes were outstanding on Friday. There are lots (and LOTS!) of photographs of the week’s events on the KJS Facebook page. An enormous vote of thanks must go to Ms Carrie and the library team for creating such a wonderful week for us all – I know it took a lot of hours to organise and we are all extremely grateful.

Well done to both the cricket and aquathon teams last week who represented us so well. Again, photographs are on the KJS Facebook page.

Although we had a wonderful week in terms of sport and reading, we also spent a great deal of time discussing a very serious matter, internet safety.  At school we have safety procedures in place to ensure that students are protected from inappropriate internet sites as it is alarming how easily children can be exposed to dreadful text, pictures or video. Even the most innocent seeming sites can easily link to others – as well as using very robust firewalls to screen children’s internet use in school, we do not, for example, allow students unsupervised access to sites such as YouTube as we can not guarantee which other videos may be recommended.

Following a few recent incidents of irresponsible use of technology by students we feel that now is an appropriate time for families to discuss together appropriate online behaviours. To aid this we have have produced the attached document: Family Agreement for Responsible Internet Use.  We would like all families to find the time to discuss this document together, sign it and return it to school before the end of the year. This will become part of the expectations for children attending KJS from next year onwards.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.


Please keep safe as the typhoon approaches.

Karen Thomas

Head of School




Coffee Morning

Friday 16 June 2017


Leo’s café, KGV School


Join us for a coffee morning at KGV to talk about transition from Y6 to Y7.  Members of Middle school, including MYP Coordinator Dave Findley, will be available to chat with you about questions you may have.

Registration with Rishika,   ptsa@kgv.edu.hk


2017-18 YEARBOOK

Our online order forms will close tonight at midnight (Monday 12 Jun 2017). The order forms were sent as an ENotice sent last week. They can also be accessed on Gateway – please look for the ENotice tag



Applications for tickets will close tonight at midnight  (Monday 12 Jun 2017) – don’t miss out! The order forms were sent as an ENotice sent last week. They can also be accessed on Gateway – please look for the ENotice tag.

Please note that as this event is heavily subsidised by the PTA, only parents who have paid their PTA subscription will be able to purchase tickets. I should take this opportunity to also thank the PTA for purchasing all the Y6 PYPX T-shirts for the children again this year.


Y5 MARKET DAY Wednesday 21st June

Our Year Five students have turned into budding entrepreneurs! As part of their Unit of Inquiry for ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ the students have set up small businesses to sell a range of exciting products. They have faced the Dragons’ Den to bid for their startup money and are now in the process of preparing their goods for sale. They will be selling their products at our Market Day on Wednesday 21st June. If you would like to support their ventures, please provide your child with up to $50 to spend next Wednesday when everyone in school will have the opportunity to go shopping. The students have carefully costed the making of their products to ensure they will be able to pay back their initial amount. Any profit made will be donated to a charity of the students choosing.



Please note that this is the final week for students to borrow library books this school year.  All library books must be returned next week by Friday, 23 June.

Thank you from the library staff.




Following the success of Annie Jr. this year we have already started planning next year’s performance –  Madagascar Jr!

We will be holding auditions on June 22nd for students in current Years 3, 4 and 5. To audition please sign up on the following Google Form:


Current Y1 and Y2 students will be invited to audition for ensemble roles in the new year.

Sign up will close at 9am on Monday 19th June.  Children who wish to audition should practise (but not learn) all parts of the attached script and learn both the audition songs shared here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuNmX7c6pYY    Best Friends

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73l0ZjnmrK4         Wild and Free



Sofia and Chesney went to Ma On Shan Public Library this weekend as Brownies and read English stories to local children. They also did some arts and crafts with them with the help of our Guider. What wonderful community service!


Congratulations to Annika in 1B who has raised HKD1000 for UNHCR by selling key chains and necklaces to friends and neighbours.




Lara was invited by her piano teacher to perform a piano recital at Lee Hysan Hall at HK Chinese University.  It was her first public piano performance. She rose to the occasion and played with great confidence and composure and won a standing ovation from the audience!


Ryan and Joon Min participated in the Hong Kong Baseball Little League 2016-2017, representing the Korean team ‘Angels’!  Throughout the competition they demonstrated great character, courage and loyalty for their team.


Athy in 4Mc won the second prize in Senior Yoga Art competition last month. Well done Athy!


Summer Baking Classes

Mrs Hong will be holding baking classes during the summer holiday.

Please refer to this attachment to enrol in the summer baking class


WEEK 1: JUL 31 – AUG 4

WEEK 2: AUG 7 – 11

9:30 AM – 11:30 AM


Flour Unlimited is an independent company and Kowloon Junior School shall take no responsibility for any services provided by Flour Unlimited or any other organizations that are not affiliated to Kowloon Junior School or English Schools Foundation.

Dates for your Diary

28 June: Y6 Leavers’ Celebration

30 June: Last School Day (ends at 12:00pm)

15 August: First day of Term 1

2-6 October: Half Term Break

15 December: Last day of Term 1 (ends at 12:00pm)