Kowloon Junior School - ESF
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Newsletter- 06/10/23

Kowloon Junior School's latest newsletter is available to read now.


Dates for Your Diary

18-20 October        Y5 Camp

23-30 October        Mid Term Break

6-9 November        School Photo

5-8 December        Y6 Camp

11 December         Holiday after Local Election

15 December         Last Day of Term (school ends at 12:00)

8 January               First Day of Term 2



Principal's Message

Dear KJS families,

Welcome to this week's edition of our newsletter. As always, the children have had a fantastic week filled with learning, growth and memorable experiences.

Along with this newsletter and the year group information sent out, we are currently looking at more aligned ways to share what is happening at our school. I recognise the importance of keeping all families informed of what the children have been learning while also highlighting upcoming events and important dates.

This week I spent some time across Years 4-6 talking to the students about their recent learning experiences, with a focus on feedback. It was so pleasing to hear how the students guided and supported each other to improve their work. The use of effective feedback is a key priority for our teachers across the school this year so it was pleasing to see it in action from the student's perspective.

It was a pleasure to meet some of our Year 5 parents at their coffee morning on Wednesday morning. As the new Principal at KJS, these coffee mornings have been incredibly beneficial  to hear their views and suggestions of parents while also being able to answer any questions or queries they may have. The Year 6 and Year 2 are planned for the next few weeks so please do sign if possible.

I firmly believe that with your partnership, we can continue to provide enriching and nurturing learning experiences in an environment where our students thrive.


Have a lovely weekend.


Mr Gavin MacGregor




Diwali Assembly Video Submissions Welcome


Diwali is a special time of celebration for many of our KJS community members. We would like to put together a Diwali assembly to celebrate and showcase the spirit and significance of Diwali. The assembly will include performances in different categories and we are now inviting students from across KJS to submit videos if they wish to perform and participate in this year's Diwali assembly.

If you are interested in being a part of the Diwali assembly please submit a video to Ms. Gupta and Mrs. Doucette before Friday, October 13th. We are seeking a variety of performances and a variety of performers, from our youngest to our oldest, so if we receive too many performance offerings we will do a quick audition to make final selections.

The video should be no longer than 3 minutes.


The criteria for the performances are as follows:

Classical Dance:

Performers will present traditional classical dance forms, such as Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, etc.

The performance should reflect the essence of Diwali and its cultural significance.



Participants will enact a short play or skit related to Diwali.

The performance should convey a meaningful message or highlight the values associated with Diwali.


Story of Diwali:

Participants will narrate or present a short storytelling session about the significance and history of Diwali.

The performance should engage the audience and provide insights into the festival.



Performers will demonstrate yoga postures or sequences inspired by Diwali.

The performance should promote physical and mental well-being, incorporating elements related to Diwali.


Bollywood Dance:

Participants will perform energetic and vibrant Bollywood-style dance routines.

The performance should showcase the festive spirit through choreography.


Folk Music or Dance:

Performers will showcase traditional folk music or dance forms associated with Diwali from different regions.

The performance should celebrate the cultural diversity and richness of Diwali.


Poems on Diwali:

Participants will recite original or well-known poems dedicated to Diwali.

The poems should capture the essence of Diwali, its traditions, and the joyous atmosphere.


General Guidelines:

  • Each performance should not exceed 3 minutes to ensure a smooth flow of the assembly.

  • Performances should be rehearsed and well-prepared to ensure a high-quality showcase.

  • Songs chosen for the performances should be either about Diwali or have a festive nature.

  • The use of any obscene or inappropriate language in the performances is strictly prohibited.


By following these criteria, we aim to create an engaging and culturally rich Diwali assembly that celebrates the festival while maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all participants and audience members.


We look forward to watching your videos!


Ms Gupta and Mrs Doucette



76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival (Deadline: 15 October 2023)

If you wish your child to participate in the Music Festival, please (1) submit an application form via the HKSMSA website, (2) fill out the eNotice and settle the enrolment fee issued on Gateway by Sunday, 15th October at 11pm. Please be reminded that the enrolment will only be successful if parents complete BOTH the registration and the payment before the deadline. The eNotice could be accessed via the ESF app (VLE > Gateway > eNotice) or directly through the link here.

Please note that KJS will assist students only with registration. The school or our teaching staff will NOT be providing or involved in any preparation work or training practices required for the competition.



Application for Student Grant 2023/2024 (Deadline: 13 October 2023)

The deadline for submission is Friday, 13 October 2023. If you would like to apply for it for your child, please do take some time to read through the attached parent guide before submission.

If you have received a pre-filled form B, please review and verify all the information, sign and return it to your class teacher; if you have received a blank white form (including all Year 1 students), please fill in all the required fields, sign and return it to your class teacher.

Kindly note that incomplete or inaccurate information will cause delay to your application.



Message from the Nurse

Let's keep our school healthy and strong!

I would like everyone in the KJS families to help in keeping our school strong and healthy. Your help as follows can make a big difference to our community:

  • Check your child's body temperature and any symptoms before coming to school. If your child is sick, please do not send them to school until the symptoms including fever, vomiting or diarrhoea subside for at least 2 days without use of medications;

  • Take your child to see a doctor if your child is sick;

  • Report your child's absence and their symptoms to KJS Office via ESF App/ email at office@kjs.hk; and

  • Encourage your child to maintain good hygiene, take adequate rest and maintain a balanced diet.

Hope everyone stays strong and healthy.



KJS and Crossroads Foundation

Upcycle old sports shoes and sports kit by bringing them into school.

KJS is collecting used footwear and sports kits over the coming months for the HK Crossroads Foundation. Crossroads help distribute such items to those in need; both in Hong Kong and across the world. There will be a collection box just outside the school office for items.

*Please note; all donated items MUST be in good condition.

Crossroads' Foundation provides aid for relief and development in over 90 countries, as well as in Hong Kong, their headquarters.


News from the PTA

Hello KJS Community,

It's the end of another week and time is flying by!

Next week on Wednesday 11 October we have our Year 6 Coffee Morning with Gavin MacGregor and key staff members.

Please register here to attend.

To support student mental wellbeing in our school, the PTA is happy to organise


Wacky Wednesday  11 October 2023

Children will come to school in their own uniforms but can wear mismatched socks and funny hats.

Choose two socks that don't match in colour, pattern, or style and let your children proudly wear them throughout the day.

Let them wear unique and unusual hats to make each other laugh and promote mental wellbeing.

Use the day as an opportunity to educate each other about the importance of embracing diversity and promoting inclusion.

Engage in conversations with your children about the value of being unique and how it contributes to a richer and more vibrant society.

We suggest a donation of $20 per child which will be collected and used to purchase student wellbeing resources for the school.



PTA Annual Membership Fees

Dear Families,

A gentle reminder  that we will be collecting the PTA Annual Membership fees. We kindly request your contribution of $200 per family, which plays a vital role in funding the operation of the PTA  to help facilitate the various parent activities and events that are scheduled to take place throughout the year.

You will soon receive an invoice from the KJS accounting department (by mid October). We sincerely appreciate your support and cooperation in this matter. We are excited about the opportunity to work together with you and look forward to a productive and successful school year.

Thank you once again for your continued support.

PTA Annual General Meeting Nov. 2023-24

We will be holding our important AGM in early November and encourage all parents to join so that they may have a voice in the school. We will be sending out the formal invite and Google Form for Executive Committee Office Bearer volunteers soon please look out for it. This meeting will be held on Zoom and we encourage all parents to join in.

To more lighthearted events, remember we will be hosting:

The Monsters Ball -2 Nov. 2023

This will be a fun filled (and spooky!) evening held here at school on 2 November. An exciting opportunity for everyone to dress in fancy costumes, enjoy an evening with school friends, classmates and community members.

More details and registration form will be shared soon. Don't miss it!


Lunch Service

There has been overwhelming  interest in the lunch service from Chartwells and generally, it has been a smooth roll out. We are, however, having some errors occurring and causing disruption for lunch times.

Whilst Chartwells has been very accommodating in most cases, it is their policy that they need 3 working days to activate a new service or effect any meal changes, please do not expect immediate action.

If your child is going to be away from school (e.g at camp), please let Chartwells know if you don't require meals on those days.

As always, please contact Rekha Mahbubani in the PTA Office if you have any questions.


Best wishes,

The KJS PTA Team

ESF Explore

As Term 1 begins, ESF Explore is thrilled to invite you to join our incredible line-up of engaging and enriching activities, catering to children between 6 months and 17 years old. Whether you're passionate about arts, sciences, sports, or technology, we have the perfect program to ignite your curiosity, unleash your talents, and make this term an unforgettable adventure! Our Autumn camps are running this October 24-27th! Experience our extraordinary themed holiday classes designed exclusively for your child. Indulge in a diverse range of activities that cater to both their adventurous spirit and desire for tranquil enrichment. We offer both one-off and one-week courses, with flexible schedules. Register for our Autumn camps here!


Check out our schedule for Kowloon Junior School here. Click here to see our full range of term 1 programmes, feel free to click into the individual categories to view their available classes.



Student Success

Thank you for sharing your child's achievements with us over the past year.

While individual achievements are undoubtedly significant and provide a source of pride for both the student and their family, sharing every student's accomplishments on our social media channels is no longer feasible. Our intention is to create an inclusive environment where all students, regardless of their individual accomplishments, feel valued and celebrated.

That being said, we encourage you to share your child's achievements with their teacher and peers, as well as within your personal social media networks. This way, your child's accomplishments can be recognized and celebrated by those who know them best.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to navigate the post-pandemic educational landscape. Our school community's strength lies in our collective efforts to celebrate the diverse talents, achievements, and experiences of all our students.




  1. Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation and its affiliates shall take no responsibility for any activities, events, and services that are organised by other organisations or individuals and are mentioned in our newsletters.

  2. Our newsletters may contain direct marketing materials that are related to students' daily school activities and the KJS community. Parents who choose not to receive such materials should use their own discretion.

  3. In accordance with our Personal Data Handling Policy, Kowloon Junior School and English Schools Foundation may place your child's photos, name, school work, activities and accomplishments in our newsletters or other publications (including but not limited to our websites and social media sites). If you would like to opt out, please email the school office at office@kjs.edu.hk.