Newsletter- 01/16/17
Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.
ACTION – your chance to give to those in need
Dates for your Dairy
Advance notice for 2017-18 dates
Dear All,
Last Friday KJS hosted the ESF NGO Conference, enabling Y6 students from all of the ESF schools to listen to people who are committed to making a difference in Hong Kong and across the region. Nearly thirty organizations presented on the day, providing a thought provoking and inspiring morning for students as they approach their Y6 Exhibtion. I must thank Dawn Doucette for organizing this wonderful event for the Foundation.
Well done to our team of runners who did such a great job on Saturday at KGV. Everyone ran really well and made us feel extremely proud. Below is a photograph of Kiara winning the Y5 race. More photographs are available on our KJS Facebook page.
As you know on March 18th is the date of our school fair. This wonderful event is great fun for all the family and we need your help to make it happen! The volunteer form can be accessed here. Please complete the form and send it to the KJS Parent Teacher Association Limited (KJSPTA) via email: or by hand to PTA shop ON or BEFORE 26th February 2017. We really would appreciate as much help as possible. Thank you!
I will be away this week recruiting new teachers for ESF schools. Although I am always available on email please contact the Vice Principals Ciarian and Jane if any urgent matters arise. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead – I will be back in school on Tuesday 24th.
Karen Thomas
Head of School
ACTION – your chance to give to those in need
Following the success of the PTA visit to The Hub before Christmas we have decided to follow up with a Chinese New Year visit, again giving to underpriivileged children here in Hong Kong. Your donations last time were extraordinarily generous and very well received. This time we are collecting the following:
- Toothbrushes
- Mugs
- Stationary
- Small toys
The collection box will be located on the ground floor outside the PTA office until Monday.
At Christmas time we took a group of KJS students and parents to give your gifts to the children. This was a wonderful learning opportunity for our students. If your child would like to join the PTA visit on Tuesday 24th January 4pm-5.15pm please email the PTA, stating your child’s name and class. We have twelve spaces available for students and just a few for parents so please do let us know if you would also like to join us. We will have a lucky draw if we have a large amount of interest although preference will be given to children who did not join last time. Many thanks in advance for any donations given.
HEALTH UPDATE: Group A Streptococcal Infections
We have a case of Group A Streptococcal infections in school at the moment. Please be extra vigilant in monitoring your child for symptoms of the Group A Streptococcal infections which include strep throat/pharyngitis, scarlet fever, impetigo and cellulitis as there can be complications if left untreated. These infections can be spread through droplets in coughs and sneezes or by touching contaminated objects so good hygiene is, as always, extremely important.
If you suspect that your child may be infected please seek medical advice. Students should not come to school until they are 48 hours free of a fever, without the need for any medication. It helps them recover and helps prevent spread of infection between the students.
Please click on the following links for reference.
Last term, Justin Y6 and Sebastian Y3 took part in a weekly drama club in Tung Chung where they live.
Justin and Sebastian were part of a small play called “Pirates of the Caribbean Coast”. They had to learn their lines, how to say them so everybody could hear, as well as act some awesome pirate dance moves.
The highlight was two performances of for friends and family, with proceeds collected by the drama club (4Dimensions+) going to Save the Children. Well done boys, I am really impressed with your commitment to this worthy cause.
Congratulations to Veer for receiving this trophy from MagicTouch, his religious class. His award was given for good behaviour and being brave enough to answer the questions correctly.
18 January: 2B, 2P & 2T Trip to Lai Chi Kok Park
19 January: Y5 and Y6 Sports Days
20 January: 2M & 2G Trip to Lai Chi Kok Park
25 January: Y1 Showcase 9am
26 January: Chinese New Year Assembly 9am
27 January – 3 February: Chinese New Year Holiday
6 February: Back to school
15 February: Maths Workshop for parents
13 March: Maths Week
17 March: ESF Choral Concert
18 March: School Fair
23 March: Student Led Conferences 3-6pm
24 March: Classes suspended for Student Led Conferences
27 March: KJS Music Concert
28 March: Y1 and Y2 Sports Day 9am
31 March: Term 2 ends at midday
Advance notice for 2017-18 dates
Although the ESF calendar is always in draft form until Public Holiday dates are confirmed, the provisional holiday and staff training dates for next year are as follows:
15 August: Start of Term 1
1-6 October: Half term holiday
9 October: Back to school
20 October: School closed for staff training
6 November: School closed for staff training
15 December: School closes at midday
18 December – 5 January: Christmas holiday
8 January: Back to school
16 February – 26 February: Chinese New Year holiday
February 27: Back to school
March 29: End of term, school closes at midday
March 30 – April 13: Easter holiday
April 16: Back to school
April 30: School closed for staff training
May 1: Public Holiday
May 22: Public Holiday
June 18: Public Holiday
June 29: End of term, school closes at midday
We will inform you if there are any changes to these dates in the coming weeks.