Newsletter- 09/12/20
Kowloon Junior School’s latest newsletter is available to read now.
Dates for Your Diary
Friday 11 December X’mas Dress Up Day via Zoom & Last day of term – Half day (finish at 12pm)
14 December – 1 January Term Break
Monday 4 January First day of Term 2
Friday 5 February ESF Chinese Assembly
Wednesday 10 February Day before Mid-Term Break – FULL Day Learning
11 – 19 February Mid-Term Break
1 – 5 March Book Week
Thursday 4 March World Book Day
22 – 23 March Y4 Camp
Thursday 25 March ESF Evening of Dance
Friday 26 March Last day of term – Half day (finish at 12pm)
29 March – 9 April Term Break
Dear Parents.
Who would have thought we would start and end the Term in Distance Learning? It is not our preference and we know that for many families having children learning at home adds stress and worry. We hope to start the new year back in school. However, if we are still in suspended school in the new year, we again ask you to reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns. I know that each and every staff member is working incredibly hard to support the wellbeing, learning and agency of our children. With your support and communication, we can ensure that 2020/21 is a successful year.
Please note that teachers will be taking a much needed break over Christmas and will not be available to respond to emails until 4 January. If you have an urgent matter, please contact the school office.
While the year has been incredibly challenging and disrupted, we thought it important to share the results of the recent Assessing Wellbeing in Education (AWE) student survey. Each year, all ESF students from Years 4-13 complete the AWE survey in Term 1 of the school year. This year, our students completed the survey between the 8th and 21st November. This is our third year of participating in the project.
As you know, KJS has had a strong focus on wellbeing as a key component of our ARROW’s of Success. The diagram shared below shows that even in these difficult times, our commitment to student wellbeing is bearing positive dividends. In six of the seven categories, our children reported improved wellbeing in areas such as Belonging, Competence and Relationships. In the 7th category of Anxiety, our children reported feeling in exactly the same place as a year ago when we took the survey during the prolonged period of protests occuring in Hong Kong.
As a school, we are pleased that our wellbeing focus is having a positive impact on our students. However, this does not mean that we rest on our laurels. We have some more detailed class and school data which we are analysing to determine what we are doing well and what we can do better. This will be alongside the continuing work of the Wellbeing Advocacy Group and indeed, the work of all of the staff within school. We also know that you, our parents, have joined us in focussing on children’s wellbeing while we face the various challenges put in front of us. We thank you for that and look forward to your continued support as we move into 2021.
We wish you a very merry and safe Christmas with your families and we look forward to 2021 with optimism and comfort in the knowledge that together we can ensure “Success for Every Child” at KJS.
To finish the term with some special Christmas cheer please remind your child that Friday is a special ‘Dress up for Christmas,’ zoom day.
Kind regards
Neill O’Reilly
Library News
Welcome to the last library newsletter of the year. We wanted to share with you some fun and exciting things that have been happening over the last week.
Reading over the holiday pictures
KJS Virtual Library and library at school would like to update with pictures of students reading their favourite books. Here are some pictures submitted to us by our lovely Battle of the Books (BOB) members.
Please send your pictures to Ms. Lau at and let us know your full name and class. Looking forward to seeing you reading.
Wheelers Audiobooks
The Library team is excited to share with you our newest addition: Wheelers Audiobooks! KJS Library is working with other ESF libraries to build a collection of audiobooks that students will enjoy. In the meanwhile, students are highly encourage to also explore our ebooks on Wheelers which has more than 800 most popular titles that our students love.
Battle of the Books (BOB) Team
We’re happy to announce our newest BOB family. Please visit our BOB page to see pictures of our team reading away during this holiday season.
After School Writing Club
Our “After School Writing Club” is starting again in Term 2. Our young budding authors have enjoyed the process of writing a book and seeing it published.
Join our growing list of student authors and see your book prominently displayed in our Library! Classes start on January 12th for Years 3-4 and January 14th for Years 5-6. Details can be found here.
Fun Hat Day Pictures
Come and peak through our Zoom windows and see how much fun our students had last Friday wearing their fun and crazy hats. All pictures can be found on our KJS Virtual Library. Here is the direct link.
Of course, you can explore our KJS Virtual Library to find links to resources, activities and more to keep everyone busy and engaged during the holiday break. Happy Holidays!!!
ESF and Other Notices
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to al l!
Student Success
The celebration of student success will channel to our Facebook page. You can find the school’s Facebook here. Please keep the photos and stories coming of our children shooting the AAROW’s of Success!
- Kowloon Junior School, English Schools Foundation and its affiliates shall take no responsibility for any activities, events, and services, that are organised by other organisations or individuals and are mentioned in our newsletters.
- If you do not wish to receive our newsletters by email, you may contact the school office at to opt out. Our newsletters will still be accessible on our website
- In accordance with our Personal Data Handling Policy, Kowloon Junior School and English Schools Foundation may place your child’s photos, name, school work, activities and accomplishments in our newsletters or other publications (including but not limited to our websites and social media sites). If you would like to opt out, please email the school office at