Yr1 Curriculum Update – 07/09/18
Working together to achieve success for every child
Greetings! – It’s our 2nd edition!
We write a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child’s learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 1 and how you can support these learning experiences.
Let’s Inquire – Who We Are
We have continued to focus on the skills of cooperation such as, turn taking, planning for play and developing the communication skills necessary for working together. The children have been choosing who to work when engaging in learning opportunities. We have been matching numbers and symbols in maths, sorting letters, pictures and words and making names with loose parts. The story ‘Go Away Big Green Monster!” was used to support a collaborative activity where they had to create a big green monster with a partner – there has been such a variety which supports our inquiry into identity and how what we do and how we think can be the same and different to others.
‘Success for Every Child – AAROW
Achievement: What are we achieving? The skill of cooperation has fed into all learning engagements and the students are demonstrating that they can collaborate successfully. Their independence has increased when organising themselves throughout the day. They are also able to identify criteria for what successful communication looks like, sounds like and feels like.
Agency: What agentic opportunities have we had? The students have had the opportunity to choose who to work with and where to work, also choosing how to approach a task such as how to record their ideas.
Respect: How are we developing a respectful community? We have continued discussing what respect looks like, sounds like and feels like and each class has created criteria for how you demonstrate respect in our school, classrooms and shared spaces, such as walking calmly and sharing a smile :D.
Opportunity: What opportunities have we had? The children have had the opportunity to develop the shared learning space which we will begin using this week. Their voices have been valued and their interests have informed our organization of resources.
Well being: How are we developing a positive sense of well being? We have continued to focus on well being holistically. Having mindful moments, appreciating physical activity and discussing how a each individual’s well being can be supported in same and different ways.
Let’s Inquire!
What we did to support our well being this week…
Friday 14th September
KJS Lantern Festival & PTA AGM
Monday 24th September
Staff Continuous Professional Development Day (no school for students)
Tuesday 25th September
Mid-Autumn Festival (no school for students)
Please send in any junk e.g. boxes, cups for our make do area. We also need rugs and cushions to accentuate our areas, all donations are greatly appreciated!
Please remember if you have questions or concerns, contact your child’s teacher. We welcome feedback and look forward to working with you to achieve success for every child.
Kindest regards, The Year 1 Team