Yr1 Curriculum Update – 15/06/18
Working together to achieve success for every child
Greetings! – It’s our 20th edition!
We write a regular newsletter keeping you up-to-date and informed about your child’s learning. This will provide you with a good understanding of happenings in Year 1 and how you can support these learning experiences.
Sharing the Planet: Transdisciplinary Learning – It’s all connected!
This week, the students have continued their learning journeys, inquiring into the central idea, ‘Scientists observe and classify in order to understand more about living things.’ Personal inquiry time has provided students with plentiful learning opportunities to question, explore and wonder, supporting their curiosity of how all living organisms can be classified into groups according to their features. Consequently, students have started to pursue their own interest groups (e.g. reptiles, amphibians, etc), using their skills of observation to note changes and connections. Model making, picture painting, literacy-based report writing and photo collection have all served as mediums through which students can collect evidence to support their investigations.
Within Maths, students continue to solve addition and subtraction problems using a range of concrete materials and strategies. Part of this learning process involves supporting students’ understanding of how they can use these materials and explicitly teaching how to apply different strategies. Subsequently, students are now taking ownership of their work and deciding which calculation strategies work best for them in achieving success.
Y1 Pajama Party
All students are invited to attend the Year 1 Pajama Party taking place on Thursday 28th June. This whole-day event will celebrate the end of the students’ first year at primary school. Activities on this day will range from party games to making fruit kebabs. Please note, students will not require a snack on this day as a healthy alternative will be provided. Students are requested to attend school wearing their pajamas, comfortable shoes and to bring along a soft cuddly animal.
Monday 18th June
Dragon Boat Festival (no school)
Thursday 28th June
Y1 Pajama Party
Friday 29th June
End of term (12pm finish)
Photo Stories
We hope that the pictures we add to our curriculum update each week will help you to make connections to the information shared above and to give you an insight into our week in Year 1.