4 May 2018

Yr5 Curriculum Update – 04/05/18

Working together to achieve success for every child


 Year 5 Curriculum Update 4/5/18


A snapshot of our learning in Year 5 over the last couple of weeks to share and discuss with the family:


Our  Transdisciplinary Unit of Inquiry: How we express ourselves: “Media can influence and audience’s thinking and behaviour”



Dear Parents


Our Unit of Inquiry on Advertising is taking a break for a few weeks while we generate an authentic purpose to which to apply our marketing skills

This week we have been working our way through six different workshops on maker skills. Students have been learning sewing, finger-knitting, coding, cardboard modelling, macrame and paper circuits. These ‘making’ skills will hopefully help them design and market a product or service in our final unit of inquiry.


Most, if not all, of these skills can be practised at home. Ask your children to explain the skills and processes involved.


In Maths, we have continued to look at shape and space.  The language we use to describe shape and position is essential to our conceptual understanding. Translating some of the vocabulary into your mother tongue can help to build conceptual fluency and initiate mathematical conversations around the home and local environment.


We have been focusing on our VIEWING AND PRESENTING skills in our language learning during this unit. Analysing and creating multimodal texts has been a really engaging and purposeful way to express our creativity through the different semiotic codes.


Students have published their narrative story about a migration context. They have been learning specific skills and techniques to over the last few weeks to improve their writing in the different 6 Traits of Writing and these are evident in their final pieces.

The traits of writing are:

  • Ideas—the main message.
  • Organization—the internal structure of the piece.
  • Voice—the personal tone and flavor of the author’s message.
  • Word Choice—the vocabulary a writer chooses to convey meaning.
  • Sentence Fluency—the rhythm and flow of the language.
  • Conventions—the mechanical correctness.


Upcoming dates for your diary:

Buddha’s Birthday May 22


Cardboard Construction




More cardboard making


Finger Knitting


Paper circuits

