Yr6 Curriculum Update – 12/01/18
Working together to achieve success for every child
Unit of Inquiry
This week, Year 6 started a new unit under the Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organise Ourselves.
Central Idea: People collaborate to make a difference in communities.
We will be inquiring into the following:
- Why people come together to create organisations (CAUSATION)
- How NGOs work (FUNCTION)
- Ways in which people take action (RESPONSIBILITY)
We will be looking at the following Approaches to Learning and Disposition throughout the unit:
Thinking skills:
Comprehension – In order to fully understand the issue, students will use the MISO research method to communicate their learning.
Research skills:
Presenting research findings – Students will select a method of presentation to effectively communicate their learning.
Students will show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They will have a personal commitment to service and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and the environment.
In Writing, we are beginning to explore poetry and continuing to learn about ways in which literary devices can be used to enhance writing. Students will enjoy playing with onomatopoeia to make Lichtenstein inspired Pop Art.
During Reading, we will focus on determining the importance in texts by locating key words and the main idea. Students will comprehend texts to enable them to tune into issues relating to poverty in Hong Kong and how individuals and groups have taken action to help those in need in their communities.
We are excited for the winning entry of the Year 6 Sky Garden 3D art competition to be announced by Mrs Hadley next week. Students have worked creatively in small groups on their design presentations which include:
A scaled drawing
A scaled model
A proposed position using co-ordinates of location on a map
Geometric properties of 2D/3D shapes
Recyclable, sustainable, weather-resistant and child-friendly materials
We look forward to sharing details of the winning group with you!
As the Shape and Space unit draws to a close this week, we have begun to inquire into Fractions. Students have been demonstrating their prior knowledge and are beginning to inquire into fractional parts of shapes.
Central Idea: Fractions enable us to explore our world accurately. communities.
19th January: PTA Disco
23rd January: KGV Taster Day
25th January: Agents of Change Conference at KJS (No Hot lunches)
5th -9th February: Book Week
15th February: Chinese New Year Assembly (Half day)
16th – 25th Jan: Half term holiday
26th February: KJS CPD (no school for students)
27th February: Y5-6 Parent Consultations for Mandarin