Yr5 Weekly Update – 06/09/17
Producers and consumers play interdependent roles in the economic system
Our UOI work has been preparing for market day. The students have to make products to sell to the rest of the school on June 21st.
Each small group or business will need to prepare a business plan and calculate their projected profits if they sell all their goods. The small groups have been working as a team to help them get all the jobs done. The type of product and price has been influenced by market surveys and this should help the students to make a profit. The profit generated by all the Y5 students will be donated to charity after market day is over.
The students have been using their understanding of the four operations to help them prepare charts and tables to calculate the potential profit their group may make on market day.
We have been continuing to work on improving the students understanding of the 24-hour clock. They have been looking at applying percentages and fractions to explain parts of the day. For example, if a student is a school for 6 hours per day that makes it 6/24 as a fraction and 25% as a percentage.
Our main focus in Language this week and next week continues to be speaking and listening. The students are working in small groups to prepare their business plans. This involves teamwork and communication skills.
We have also been working on summarising stories by looking at identifying key parts of a story. Some of the classes have used a story pyramid to identify key elements of a story.