Yr3 Weekly Update – 06/02/17
How We Express Ourselves
Different art forms reflect people’s creativity
We are still loving thinking creatively in Year 3! It is great to see the children so inspired and talking about their art work. This week the children have continued developing different art skills. Some of these skills include mixing paint, sketching, and photo editing. This means in our classrooms the children have been gathering ideas and inspiration from different places and then using these to create their own artwork. Their sketch books are great working documents full of ideas they have collected. The children are also learning to evaluate their work as part of the creative process.
This week the children also had the pleasure of visiting the Louvre Exhibition at the Heritage Museum. It was a great opportunity for the children to to view famous artworks and sculptures from the most famous museum in the world. A highlight was the Horse Head sculpture that is to be taken back to France and will never leave the country again due to a crack that needs repairing. We were very lucky.
Thank you also to all the parents who came to help at our mother tongue afternoons throughout the year. We believe it is a very important part of the children’s learning and we enjoy having as many parents in to work with the children as possible. Without you, it would not have been possible.
This week in Maths the children are continuing their learning about shape. This has included exploring the properties and creating 3D shapes from toothpicks. The children have also been exploring equivalent triangles. These are some 3D shapes that have an equivalent triangle as a face. Do you know any more?
The children are continuing to enjoy reading a variety of different poems. They have been using the skill of synthesis to gather ideas and vocabulary from poems they have read to create their own poems. We have seen some fantastic shape and colour poems this week! The children have been recording poems into their sketchbook as part of the creative cycle.